"Now the DeSantis campaign appears to think that repeated exposure to DeSantis could build up a tolerance for him among voters, although it’s safer to just not contract DeSantis in the first place. Maybe wear a mask and avoid crowded places where DeSantis easily spreads."
DeSatan puts me in mind of a child who fervently wishes for a pony for Christmas. He wakes up Christmas morning to discover a giant load of manure dumped on his doorstep. He begins digging into it, exclaiming, ‘There must be a pony in here somewhere.’
Guess what, DeSatan? No pony for you. Only shit. Piles and piles of it.
Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell ran for Governor against Congressman Ted Strickland in 2006. Blackwell was consistently behind Strickland in the polls through the whole campaign. Questioned about this the day before the election, the Assistant Secretary of State said, "Conservatives don't trust polls. They don't answer them, or they don't answer them truthfully. The only poll they believe in is the one that happens tomorrow."
The polls closed in Ohio at 7:30 PM eastern time, and, at 7:35, CNN called the race for the Democrat. It was the biggest defeat by a gubernatorial candidate in the state's history.
"professional actor playing an asshole", perfect. That's what I've always thought of Cruz. Not a redeeming factor but at least it makes some sense of the MAGA eco-shit system. I think Rancid DeSantis is too stupid to understand that it's only a character Cruz and the others are playing, so he's totally committed to actually being an asshole.
Someone, I forget who, recently said of de Santis, if you read his CV and listened to his supporters, you would get a mental image of a legendary figure like Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.
And then you see him, and he's a short weird guy wearing cowboy boots for some reason, and he speaks in a funny voice with a funny vocabulary like he recently learned human language from a textbook. And all he talks about is culture war nonsense. And you kind of feel cheated.
shouldn't all references use his full name now? i assume it is Ronald or something? i thought they made it that in Florida you are only allowed to go by your full name as it appears on your birth certificate.
Unfortunately the more people see of DeSantis the less they like him. And the more opportunities DeSantis has to show why they should dislike him. But like Ted Cruz, he's the wart on your neck that occasionally gets snagged when you put your shirt on. Most of the time you don't notice it but occasionally it becomes a real pain in the neck.
When not in use, Desantis should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Desantis, the Republican Party of Florida, and its parent company, The Trump Organization, of any and all liability.
Poor Rob. He reminds me so much of 2015 era Marco Rubio. Trump has truly eaten his soul. Once this is over, he will only be able to post asinine Bible verses on Xitter.
"Now the DeSantis campaign appears to think that repeated exposure to DeSantis could build up a tolerance for him among voters, although it’s safer to just not contract DeSantis in the first place. Maybe wear a mask and avoid crowded places where DeSantis easily spreads."
Brilliant political epidemiology!
Ta, Stephen. No love for DeathSentence? Good.
DeSatan puts me in mind of a child who fervently wishes for a pony for Christmas. He wakes up Christmas morning to discover a giant load of manure dumped on his doorstep. He begins digging into it, exclaiming, ‘There must be a pony in here somewhere.’
Guess what, DeSatan? No pony for you. Only shit. Piles and piles of it.
Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell ran for Governor against Congressman Ted Strickland in 2006. Blackwell was consistently behind Strickland in the polls through the whole campaign. Questioned about this the day before the election, the Assistant Secretary of State said, "Conservatives don't trust polls. They don't answer them, or they don't answer them truthfully. The only poll they believe in is the one that happens tomorrow."
The polls closed in Ohio at 7:30 PM eastern time, and, at 7:35, CNN called the race for the Democrat. It was the biggest defeat by a gubernatorial candidate in the state's history.
Words to live by, Governor Disappointus.
Yeah, fuck 'em is all you can say about assSantis.....
Oh, I thought he’d wear his Dallas Cowboys cheerleader boots that he wore during the hurricane. Dang!
"professional actor playing an asshole", perfect. That's what I've always thought of Cruz. Not a redeeming factor but at least it makes some sense of the MAGA eco-shit system. I think Rancid DeSantis is too stupid to understand that it's only a character Cruz and the others are playing, so he's totally committed to actually being an asshole.
From reports about his earlier life, it sounds like he's always been an asshole.
More likely a professional asshole play-acting as a senator.
DeSantis is a Method Asshole.
This is the worst Leto role I've ever watched.
Someone, I forget who, recently said of de Santis, if you read his CV and listened to his supporters, you would get a mental image of a legendary figure like Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.
And then you see him, and he's a short weird guy wearing cowboy boots for some reason, and he speaks in a funny voice with a funny vocabulary like he recently learned human language from a textbook. And all he talks about is culture war nonsense. And you kind of feel cheated.
Quarter-assed campaign launch? That's what I likes about you Stephen, witticisms like that one.
it must be ‘’shopped’’, shouldn’t he have a nest of snakes where his hair is ? …
shouldn't all references use his full name now? i assume it is Ronald or something? i thought they made it that in Florida you are only allowed to go by your full name as it appears on your birth certificate.
Unfortunately the more people see of DeSantis the less they like him. And the more opportunities DeSantis has to show why they should dislike him. But like Ted Cruz, he's the wart on your neck that occasionally gets snagged when you put your shirt on. Most of the time you don't notice it but occasionally it becomes a real pain in the neck.
You need to watch warts like that. They may spread.
"the smiling lessons haven't worked"
Oh. Mah. Gawd.
Do not look directly into the Desantis…
Or the DeSantis will gaze unto you...
BRRrrrr! *shudder* Nopenope nopnopenope......
When not in use, Desantis should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Desantis, the Republican Party of Florida, and its parent company, The Trump Organization, of any and all liability.
Ask your doctor if desantis is right for you
And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't feed him after midnight.
He's immune to sunlight, freakishly enough.
Poor Rob. He reminds me so much of 2015 era Marco Rubio. Trump has truly eaten his soul. Once this is over, he will only be able to post asinine Bible verses on Xitter.
Poor Florida. When ronnie d loses he's gonna take it out on them.
Only the trans kids.
Especially the trans kids, but many others as well
Mickey, Minnie, Goofy...