On Friday, the Ron DeSantis campaign dropped a new, entirely batshit ad, the gist of which appears to be "Donald Trump is nowhere near enough of a raging bigot for you people — vote for Ron DeSantis, a sociopathic lizard person with a fondness for bodybuilders, who will fuck and/or eat some dead some people, lock up all of the queers and ... maybe even make them fight lions in a gladiator arena?"
The ad, truly, is as confusing as it is viciously bigoted.
— (@)
So it starts out with some real bad EDM and Donald Trump's speech at the RNC in which he promised to "protect our LGBTQ community," followed by a bunch cherry-picked quotes about LGBTQ people in which he, frankly, managed to not sound like a giant asshole. Where he said Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom she wanted in Trump Tower and he wouldn't have a problem with it, and where he said he would be fine with trans women competing in Miss USA.
But then, it switches to some equally bad, much darker sounding EDM, and starts showing clips of Ron DeSantis accompanied by various headlines about what a bad person he is and all of the horrible things he's done to the LGBTQ+ community ...

... interspersed with clips from American Psycho , The Wolf of Wall Street , Brad Pitt as a gladiator and pictures of sexy, glistening bodybuilders. (Edit: Apparently the Brad Pitt part is actually him as Achilles in Troy , which I have not seen.)
For real.

It also features the image of DeSantis as a lizard person pictured above, an interesting choice given that the "Believes Lizard People Are Controlling The World" demographic largely votes Republican.
It's really like he's just leaning into the fact that Republican voters want to vote for a truly awful human being and making that his whole bit. Can't say they won't be into it.
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Dang, I completely missed the lizard man pic when I watched this the other day. I must have checked out by that point, having had my fill.
That was the gayest thing I've seen since "The Birdcage"