Ron Johnson WELL AWARE Of Kids Using Litterboxes, Nothing Gets Past This Guy
Please, Wisconsin. Do something about this on November 8.
We've been following all the Republican candidates falling for the internet hoax that schools are now full of litterboxes for children who identify as kittens. It's made its way to Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Rogan. It's remarkable how many absurdly stupid people are falling for it.
And look, as with all rightwing batfuckery, you have to consider the possibility that some of these people know it's bullshit, but they're saying it anyway because it helps them incite hatred among their stupid followers against whomever they're trying to incite hatred against. In this case, transgender kids and any adults who don't try to hurt them.
Here's a branch on the stupid tree we didn't know the litterboxes thing had hit yet, and it is Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who used to be Wonkette's official Senate's Dumbest Republican before Tommy Tuberville took his tiara.
Enjoy this entire video while you donate to Johnson's Democratic opponent Mandela Barnes:
“NEW: During a tele-town hall, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told a caller he was “aware” of litter boxes in schools, that teachers push “transgenderism” on students and schools should “not accommodate the phase” trans kids are going through (all are false).”
— Heartland Signal (@Heartland Signal) 1666804613
A caller asked Johnson during a tele-town hall, hey, are you aware of the litterboxes and the kids and the whatnot? He said he was a former Democrat (you bet) and his niece ("niece") has been talking about all the kids at school who use litterboxes. You know, like kids do . Has Johnson heard about this?
Well yes, Ron Johnson said, he's "well aware of this." And he explained that parents are a lot more familiar with how their kids are being indoctrinated (into litterboxes?) because of COVID.
“Yes, I’m well aware of this,” Johnson said to a caller. “I think one of the things that COVID did is parents were looking over their kids’ shoulders and became aware of the indoctrination of our children by radical leftists within our education system.”
Wait, question. So when kids were doing virtual learning during COVID, did the woke ones who identify as cats also have to use virtual litterbox? Or did they just go kick their own cat out of the litterbox and say it's for school?
We need to know.
Johnson kept going, saying he's heard on the radio that in England, the national healthcare system is saying that transgenderism is "just a phase for children" and that we shouldn't "accommodate the phase." (You will be shocked to learn that's not exactly what the British health system actually is doing. ) He said we certainly shouldn't be giving out sex-change operations to kids, which is good because we're not!
But those litterboxes, man. Ron Johnson is well aware of that, just like he's well aware that the FBI "set me up" when it tried to brief him and let him know the Russians were targeting him with disinformation like a common useful idiot.
Here's the video of Johnson saying that during the debate a couple weeks ago, which is worth it for just how much the audience laughed at him the entire time:
“Johnson says the FBI set him up. The audience laughs at him 😬”
— Acyn (@Acyn) 1665705385
In summary and in conclusion, Ron Johnson knows things, and they are that the FBI set him up and the kids are using litterboxes.
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It would hardly be the first time a mentally ill person was in the House. But feel free to twist my words to make your point that we should show neither compassion nor understanding to people in deep trouble because it's more fun to hate them and feel superior about it.
Interestingly enough, I live in both urban Australia and (remote) rural New Zealand (around six months per year in each), and my NZ internet connection is faster and more reliable than my Oz one.
BTW, do you remember what a former NZ PM said when asked to comment on the number of kiwis moving to Oz?