Ron Paul Gears Up For Pennsylvania Primary!

Suburban operative "Carol" writes to Wonkette about the gathering storm: "I live in the suburbs outside Philadelphia, and all of a sudden, in the past week, Ron Paul for President signs are sprouting up everywhere. It's like some evil gardener replaced all the daffodils with Ron Paul signs. What's the deal? Do the Paultards not realize he's out? Do they not care? Is this just some pitiful way to make the Republican primary in Pennsylvania worth a damn?" To answer in order: something, no, yes, Freedom. But what "Carol" sees is no coincidence, because today Ron Paul launched his campaign for Pennsylvania with a glorious speaking tour!
From some Ron Paul blog, we hear that the "Hope for America Tour" (COPYRIGHT VIOLATION FOR THREE WORDS) kicked off today, and will slowly and pathetically continue for a while!
Ron Paul is scheduled to make four stops in his home state over the next week and a half. This Thursday, April 3rd, Dr. Paul will visit his family in Pittsburgh and host a Freedom Rally at Indiana University of Pennsylvania at 2: 00 PM ET and the University of Pittsburgh at 9:00 PM ET.
Next week, Dr. Paul will return on Friday, April 11th to speak at his Alma mater, Gettysburg College at 11: 30 AM ET and host a Freedom Rally at Penn State University at 5:30 PM ET.
Please bring your friends and family and join us as we celebrate freedom, peace, and prosperity. The events are free and open to the public, but we ask that you RSVP at the links below. Note: An RSVP does not reserve you a seat, so please arrive early.
Wonkette field operatives are expected to perform ultra-overtime with their cell phone cameras and real cameras to capture this tour. This may be one of our last chances! E-mail your funny Freedom Rally pix to us with the subject "These Paultards sure are the cat's pajamas."
The Hope for America Tour is coming to Pennsylvania! [Ron Paul 2008 Blog Thing]