Ronna McDaniel Wants An Apology, Please, For Democrats Possibly Foiling GOP’s Voter Suppression Scheme
We’re gonna pass.
Early voting in Georgia started this week, and so far turnout is impressive. Tuesday vote counts surpassed 2020 presidential election records for the same day and was almost double 2018’s early vote totals for the same period.
According to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, there are no reports of the “substantial delays” that plagued (mostly Black) voters in past elections. The news inspired a snide “told you so!” tweet from Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel.

Georgia GOP Makes Damn Sure They'll Be Able To Find Those Republican Votes In 2022
Voter Suppression Fest 2020 Kicks Off In Georgia
McDaniel tweeted: "More people are voting early in Georgia than in past *presidential* elections. [President Joe] Biden, [Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey] Abrams, and [Democratic Sen. Raphael] Warnock should apologize for their lies that cost businesses $100 million in revenue.”
The shameless liar is pretty shameless here. Biden, Abrams, and Warnock never lied about the blatant voter suppression law that Georgia Republicans passed in response to the non-existent voter fraud they believed cost them the presidential election and Senate runoffs.
The bill's clear intent was to appease their Big Lie-believing base, as well as prevent any more unsightly breakouts of democracy. Raffensperger had previously defended the state’s election procedures, which Republicans once considered “the gold standard,” but after Donald Trump’s tantrum, Republicans bum-rushed a new law barely two months into Biden’s term.
Here’s a quick summary of what this “election integrity” law actually achieves: It imposes an ID requirement for absentee ballots and shortens the period to request them, lets counties restrict early voting to hours when most people are at work, curtails the use of those explosive drop boxes, bans mobile voting stations, and prevents municipalities from accepting grant money that would modernize their ancient voting systems.
These targeted changes are hostile to the poor, who often live far from reliable public transit, and a burden on single parents with kids, and people with physical disabilities. Biden, Abrams, and Warnock had every right to oppose them publicly. Not that you should expect the truth within the vicinity of Ronna McDaniel’s mouth, but Abrams personally asked corporations not to boycott Georgia. She instead recommended more impactful ways of combatting voter suppression.
“First, corporations in Georgia and across America must use their full clout to support the voting rights protected in the For The People act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” Abrams said. “This is vital to ensure that Americans have access to our democracy and that that access doesn’t depend on which state you live in. Both of these bills are critical, and not interchangeable.”
“Second,” Abrams continued, “companies must help address the lack of photo ID in our state, and anywhere else where it comes up. It is estimated that 200,000 Georgians do not have a photo ID. And the so-called ‘free state ID’ is not free, when the hours to access it are limited, transportation is difficult, and the documents needed are expensive for the poor, and they’re hard to find. Companies must fund verified efforts to get these Georgians a photo ID.”
Filibuster-loving Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin prevented a federal response to the state-level Jim Crow laws that Republicans eagerly passed on simple party-line votes. Impacted groups were advised, like Boxer from Animal Farm , to “work harder” and “out-organize” voter suppression. Did they succeed in Georgia, despite Republicans’ most insidious efforts? It’s too soon to tell. The 2021 Virginia governor’s race demonstrated that high turnout doesn’t always translate into Democratic victory.
Regardless, Ronna McDaniel can shut her mouth about “apologies.” That’s like the wardens at Shawshank demanding an apology because Andy Dufresne eventually escaped, so what’s the harm?
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In the long run, it teaches that voting is important.
Tshibaka. I keep hearing 'chewbakka'.