$148 million. That’s some ‘spensive free speech there, Roodles!

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Rudy “The Ghoul” attacked Joe Biden after being hit with a $148 million verdict. “This is what America has come to under Biden! Citizens, nobodies, black ones! can now sue powerful white people for their actions and recover massive damages through evidence and jury deliberation. This wouldn’t be possible under Trump, where the average American is powerless and the courts exist to protect wealthy people from taxes by escaping thru bankruptcy, sometimes over and over. Trump will open up the defamation laws so that misinformation that targets and hurts innocent people is protected free speech, as intended by the 1st amendment!”

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Now here's something from my capacious memory! A few years ago-- about 10 years ago-- I heard Rudy's mother quoted as saying, "In spite of all those people around him, Rudy still cares about poor people, doesn't he?" I don't know if I heard about that after she'd died. I suppose so. Pretty poignant and strange, I'd say.

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10/10! No notes, Mr. Legum! (Still laughing)

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"Italian satellites changing vote totals from orbit."


IF that happened -- and I'm not saying that it did -- it was specific to the question of pineapple on pizza.

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And what about the Jewish space lasers? (And her e-mails?)

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Gotta love the irony unique to America. Two black women now own an old white supremacist lock, stock, and barrel.

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Wonkette is looking for 222 good Wonkers to get us to 5000 paying subscribers by year’s end. C'mon, folks! I can';t do this alone!

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Of course, the big question is does Rudy have any money and if he does, will he be able to discharge the debt in bankruptcy court? It might be best to settle for something reasonable quickly and get their $$$ guaranteed.

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He’s broke for all meaningful purposes. He has a few assets, but they are going to be sold to pay his tax and attorney fee debts. Even in bankruptcy, which Alex Jones wanted to escape with, will appoint a receiver to collect most of the assets and liquidate them. Then the money is divied up. Rudy spent money like crazy, with a high-flying lifestyle based on selling his access to power. He had 10 or so country club memberships, a few residences and jet-set travel expenses. But his Big Lie campaign destroyed his reputation, and his over-exposure revealed evidently a diminished alcoholic willing to say anything or advance any underhanded cause for money. That’s why he pals around with shady Russian figures. When all his assets are sold, he probably has a few million to spread around. But I’d bet the farm those ladies recover something far more like $1.48 million than $148m. But they should recover some money.

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I hope that after the lawyers' cut, Miss Ruby and Shaye park that money in index funds, live on the interest, and get a chance to start their lives anew.

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They could run for office as republicans with that kinda money.

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Yes--I hope they know or someone puts them in touch with a fantastic financial advisor and they go on and live their best lives ever.

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He’s just lucky Trump always pays his friends’ judgments and has his back, forever. Rudy sacrificed himself to try to help Trump’s coup. Trump is incredibly grateful and willing to spend all his money to save his dear friend, Roodles. The check is in the mail. He’s like Steve Martin in The Jerk, writing personal checks to every plaintiff. Trump will pay for every punch thrown, every fake elector indicted, every J6er who scaled the wall. Trump is a man of honor, standing up for ever one of his loyal followers. Oh, wait, no he isn’t. Just like soldiers, Trump views his followers as disposable fools, “suckers,” for sacrificing themselves. Silly followers.

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"What? You were a fool to trust me" said the scorpion

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$103 million more than they asked for - interesting

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ESAD, Rudy. Die poor now, you were always going die stupid.

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$148 million. It might as well be $14.8 million, or $148 billion. Rudy is dry, busted, ruined. His “wealth” was a house of cards built on his…wait for it…influence peddling. He sold access to Trump or his other connections to Russian oligarchs and politicians and traded on his now tattered reputation as America’s mayor. Alcohol, perhaps age, and a diminished reputation on the public stage lured Rudy back to Trump, where he went ALL IN on The Big Lie and any other bullshit Trump told him to say. He’s lived the life of a big shooter, with more than 10 country club memberships, for 20+ years. Except his value in the shmoozing world was fading fast. This was his last shot, help Trump pull off a coup, and Trump would reward him forever. But Trump abandoned Rudy. Rudy is broke, or soon will be. His assets are all up for grabs now. He owes lawfirms for legal fees. He owes the IRS. He’s still facing more charges and his law license is suspended in NY and DC. This is what happens when you sacrifice yourself on the alter of Trump. He deserves no pity. He hurt innocent people to line his own pockets and keep himself in the big leagues. He’s a pathetic old letch who will be remembered as a disgrace who hurt people and divided America in the worship of a similarly vile man.

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Well, if he can get a job in a Georgia prison getting $1 for ever license plate he makes, that'd be a stsrt...

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Ta, Gary. The less I say about my long-ago mayor, the better. I'm happy for the election workers, but money cannot change that their lives were ruined, spitefully, on purpose. And for what? A POS who's the son and heir of a Nazi loving POS; a man so disgustingly awful Woody Guthrie wrote about him.

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Since Rudi doesn't have that kind of money and Trumo-boy isn't going to bail him out this is more of a pyrrhic victory but it sets a marker for price of FAFO.

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That's chump change to Donald John Trump who'll cut a check on Monday to save his loyal friend

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... (pause for breath) .... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

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hang on, i have an oxygen canister around here somewhere - sit down would ya?

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