Rumors On The Internets: DJ Bob Corker
Bob Corker's new radio ad avoids confusion by playing an angelic chorus behind a reading of his bio and "jungle theme" tom tom drums during all mentions of Harold Ford. [ Talk Left ]
Ohio gubernatorial race gets Kity Harris CrazyTMas Republican candidate accuses Democrat of covering up a NAMBLA conspiracy among his staff. [ Political Wire ]
Harry Reid plans to spend election night in DC, already scouting backdrops for his "that's right bitches, we won" speechifying. [ Hotline on Call ]
Cardinals' pitcher Jeff Suppan to spin curveballs and anti-stem cell propaganda during tonight's World Series game. [ Martini Republic]
Gay guidos rejoice as New Jersey upholds civil-unions. [ Above the Law ]
New blogger Chuck Norris wants everyone to know that he really loves Jesus, and shows that love the best way he knows how -- by kicking fucking ass. [ World Net Daily ]