Rumors on the Internets: From the Dark Corners of The Smear Machine
WashPo regurgitates quotes, true or not: "The numbing repetition of uncorrected falsehoods creates a phony atmosphere of uncertainty around key questions which in fact have already been resolved. Eventually voters throw up their hands and accept the fact that they'll never know for sure what the truth is, and confusion ensues." [ The Horse's Mouth ]
British Knife Amnesty collects 17,715 knives so far. Commenter: "Leave it to the Brits - collecting the blades while missing the point." [ LGF ]
In defense of the knock-and-announce rule. [ Lawyers , Guns and Money ]
Bill O'Reilly pities/endorses Lieberman, calls internet "smear machine." [ Crooks and Liars ]
Ladies Loving Ladies: Michelle Malkin video salutes Ann Coulter. Jack Burkman ups offer to $10k. [ Hot Air ]