Rush Limbaugh Busted for Inadequacy, Nervous Mocking Laughter Echoes Thruout Blogosphere

Getting busted for painkiller abuse: sad/funny.
Getting busted for unprescribed Viagra: HYSTERICAL.
Rush Limbaugh (you know, big guy, used to date Daryn Kagan) was busted at the Palm Beach airport for possession of a bottle of Viagra that had the names of two Florida doctors, but not his.
Possession of unprescribed Viagra is, it turns out, a second-degree misdemeanor. But the bust makes sense, really -- the painkillers, you know, tend to make things a little more difficult in that department.
A doctor had prescribed the drug, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.
Yeah, that's a great excuse. Brilliant legal mind, there. Wealwayshave our doctors prescribe our klonopin to other people, you know, forprivacyconcerns.
Oy, we're not gonna have tolistento Rush today now, are we? Does someone else want to take that bullet for us?
Limbaugh Detained at Palm Beach Airport [AP via WP]