The guy running against Cruz in Texas needs a $$ push! I think his name is Alred.

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I voted today early in Virginia. I turned that ballot blue!

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300,000 voters is actually 3% of the Florida vote since the last presidential election had a little over 10 million votes.

100,000 is 1%

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"he would deport Haitian immigrants from Springfield, Ohio, “back to Venezuela,” which is not actually where Haitians come from" Vance said at his latest Michigan rally that Haitians come from "Haitia"

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Except they're legal immigrants from Haiti. But as we all know fact s don't have anything to do with Donald Trump.

Or is it the other way around?

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Ta, Dok. Anyone who votes for Bat Boy Wannabe Scott needs a psych eval.

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𝘔𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳 𝘚𝘤𝘰𝘵𝘵, 51-42%.

There are times when I am just pure fucking ashamed to be a man, and this is one.

WHAT is it about that lying, thieving motherfucker that appeals to men? What is remotely manly about him? It can't be his hideous looks. Enough men in Florida to constitute a nine-point advantage must think that ruthlessly screwing people over -- either because it will put a few more dollars in your already swollen pockets, or just because you can -- is some kind of masculine virtue.

Either that or they're just frustrated with their lives and especially with women, or the lack of the latter in the former, and voting Scott is just their version of a big middle finger.

It really is too bad I have to share a gender with creatures like that.

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He's not a woman. That's the only thing that appeals.

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Yes. Uneducated men seem to make the too-easy deduction, "Republicans = strong, manly" and "Democrats = nurturing, feminine." And they're scared out of their wits at being considered nurturing and feminine. This is a matter of broad cultural habituation, I think -- which makes it very hard to ameliorate. Such a stupid, self-defeating way of looking at gender, but it's obviously powerful in our culture. When I look at a lot of GOP officeholders, I just see a pack of lying fascist cowards and suck-ups. I don't see any real "tough guys."

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That makes them morons, you should vote for the thing you want more of. For strong manly men the thing they want more of is boobs, so they should vote for the nurturing feminine party.

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You cannot use common sense with maga morons. Your head will literally explode like Kenny on South Park.

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Get all the naturalized Haitians to vote...run it up!!!!

GOTV...this is why I sent you money, not fucking commercials.

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I wonder how many naturalized Haitians are eligible to register but have not? That’s another potential pool.

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Semi on topic, I am kind of sad about the Florida orange groves going bad. I used to eat Florida oranges for dessert they were so good. If a Democrat could bring back the oranges, jus' sayin'...

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Florida still managed to produce 20 million boxes of oranges. Yes, greening disease and hurricanes are a blight on Florida Orange groves but disease resistant oranges are being planted.

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While we're at it, a Lady named Kari Lerner is fighting to beat Rep. Byron Donalds, around whom there is a whiff of scandal. He campaigned to be TFG's whipping boy, but passed over in favor of JD Vance. Could i be because he appears to have Black skin Byorn Donalds is man who has managed to turn himself into a giant, sleazy Oreo. Byron Donalds may have done some insider trading...... possibly.

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Senator Bat Boy losing would be a wonderful holiday gift!!

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Yes indeed

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Great, I have even more reason to concentrate my FieldTeam6.org voter registration postcard writing campaign in Florida!

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I would bet PAB's life, and the lives of all his blood relatives except Mary, that he has not one single clue that Haiti is a country.

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" Trump’s bizarre statement that he would deport Haitian immigrants from Springfield, Ohio, “back to Venezuela,”

I am convinced that he does not know what 'Haitian' actually means. Certainly not a geographic location. Nor could he find Haiti on a map. I bet he thinks it is an ethnic slur for brown skinned people that wear hats. Cause, you know, the sun and shit.

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He might have it confused with Hattusa, the capital of the the Hittite Empire. He's an idiot.

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I have often done the same thing. I am in a Sea Peoples sleeper cell keeping watch until the Minoan Snake Queen returns to overthrow late stage capitalism.

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Ma Rhea for the win!

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I love the reference. The Minoan Snake Queen was a hottie!

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Assuming he doesn't know things is always a safe bet

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" Trump’s bizarre statement that he would deport Haitian immigrants from Springfield, Ohio, “back to Venezuela,”

I am convinced that he does not know what 'Haitian' actually means. Certainly not a geographic location. Nor could he find Haiti on a map. I bet he thinks it is an ethnic slur for brown skinned people that wear hats. Cause, you know, the sun and shit.

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Haitian decodes to Caribbean, which decodes to Jamaican, which decodes to Kamala's parentage.

Phase II of Operation Springfield, coming soon.

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Meanwhile, our idiot governor was in my neck of the woods yesterday trying to convince parents to enroll their kids into the prepaid college tuition program. He's even offering a $50 gift card to new enrollees, and telling them that there's a refund option. Which tells me there's been a sharp drop in parents willing to lock their kids into the Florida university system. Can't imagine why!


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Dems certainly have the resources and money to fight hard in FL--this isn't like the McGovern days where you really couldn't afford to expand the map. And Murcasel-Powell may have a better shot at flipping this seat than Tester has of keeping his (not that I'd abandon Tester, but Dems have the luxury of supporting both of them). Plus, fighting hard for the state may make it easier to flip a number of congressional seats.

Harris can also make a pitch to Cuban and Venezuelan refugees who are socialist-phobic--point out that Trump is trying to become a dictator, and his ties with Putin--who supports both Caracas and Havana--mean he cannot be counted on to stand up to those dictatorships either. Drive home your support for entrepreneurship, and you'll cut his margins among those groups, possibly by enough to win the state.

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AARP had some polling in MT the last week, and Tester looks like he may be done- he's down 8 IIRC. AARP is usually pretty good at their polling, so I'm inclined to believe these numbers.

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Yeah, it's also hard to imagine there'd be a whole lot of "Trump-Tester" voters, so Harris would have to try to improve her numbers in Montana a bit. Unfortunately, her ceiling may be low. Democrats should think long term about convincing more liberals to move to small states like that to take it over.

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