Scandinavians Tax Everything That's Fun, Even Finger-Banging
Virginia used to have a neat logo featuring a Roman goddess-warrior and her exposed nipple. Thanks to some Ashcroftesque re-branding, this perverted wardrobe malfunction exists no more. [ Think Progress ]
Woah, Matt Yglesias and Ezra Klein went to a decadent White House staff party! (Apparently all the babes wanted a picture of Ezra, while poor Matt brooded in the corner and waterboarded himself with flirtinis.) [ Matt Yglesias ]
Even Mexico racially profiles Mexicans -- so why all the fuss over Arizona's new Mexican profiling? [ RedState ]
Close your eyes and think of something that is great. Are you thinking of grain alcohol perhaps? Or a carton of rat poison cigarettes? In America these items are practically free and also tax-deductible. In Socialist Norway it's quite another story! [ Hit & Run ]
The Bush Administration didn't mean to break the world's economy. It was an accident. Stop mocking Trig. [ Salon/Alex Pareene! ]
A Blogginghead in Gaza said mean stuff about Israel, but does Israel have enough white phosphorous to shut him up/melt him? Time will tell. [ The Daily Dish ]