Creepy School Choir Director Compares Girl's Bodies To Mining Operations
Also: Misogynists are mad at yoga pants again.
Content Note: Manosphere nonsense.
Spring has been sprung-ing for a few weeks now, and while some of us are excited about being able to walk around outside without a coat without freezing our butts off, others have different butt-related concerns. Because it's the time of year when misogynists start crying their faces off about yoga pants (due to other things ... sprung-ing, we suppose).
This year, it feels especially glaring, given that these creeps now all have bought-and-paid-for blue checks on Twitter, which pushes them higher in the algorithm than anyone asked for.

They always go after yoga pants and leggings. There are a bajillion other sexified clothing articles out there — miniskirts, short shorts, mini-dresses, fishnets, heels, etc., and yet it's always yoga pants and leggings that draw their ire. I have a feeling, really, that it's because they're so comfortable. It's almost like they think that if a woman is going to dress "immodestly," she should at least have to do it in uncomfortable shoes.

'Angelica, tell my wife John Adams doesn't have a real job anyway'
I've been through many seasons of this, but it honestly feels more widespread now than ever before — especially when it comes to women participating in the discourse. Though, to be fair, many of those are actually anti-feminist men pretending to be anti-feminist women in order to make it seem like there are more anti-feminist women out there preaching about the evils of yoga pants than there actually are. And they usually slip.

Notice the 'ours' and 'us' there?
Still, it's unsettling to see so much "red pill" nonsense outside of specific, siloed red pill forums — especially considering how many of those forums have been banned at this point. Young people going on and on and on about "dressing modestly" and "body counts" and "pair bonding" — the latter two being part of the bizarre red pill theory that women lose their ability to love if they have sex with a lot of people (men, of course, do not). These men are so furious about the sexual revolution that occurred before they were born, over the idea of women going around having sex with a bunch of men who are not them, over the fact that they don't get to have a virgin bride who doesn't have anyone else to compare them to, that they are out here trying to scare girls into going along with their bullshit.
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It's a whole lot more unsettling, however, when the person spewing this nonsense is a teacher. This week, a user on Reddit's r/NotHowGirlsWork forum posted a letter she got from her male choir director, in which he used a bizarre mining analogy to explain why girls should dress modestly.
I want to ask all our girls in choir to dress the way admin requests from now until the end of the school year.
Everything valuable in this world is covered up and hard to see or find.
1. Where can you find diamonds?
• In the ground, covered and protected.
2. Where are the pearls?
• Deep in the ocean, covered and protected in a beautiful shell.
3. Where can you find gold?
• Underground, covered with layers of rock, and to get there you have to work very hard and dig deep.
Your body is sacred and unique. You are far more precious than gold, diamonds, and pearls, therefore you must be covered too. If you keep your precious minerals like gold, diamonds, and pearls deeply covered, a "reputable mining organization" with the necessary machines, will work for years to mine those precious goods.
- First, they will contact your government (family),
- Second, sign professional contracts (marriage),
-Third, they will professionally extract those goods, and tenderly refine those precious goods.
(marital life).
But if you let your minerals find themselves on top of the Earth's surface (exposed to everyone), you will always attract many illegal miners to come, exploit, illegally, and freely take those riches and leave you without the precious goods God gave you!
GIRLS YOU ARE VALUABLE! Class is better than trash!
Yes, because what all women and girls really want is a grizzled prospector trying to pick them up with lines like "I hear there's gold in them thar hills!"
Diamonds, for the record, have no real intrinsic value, except in capacities in which "cut, color and clarity" don't mean anything at all. Most of their value as luxury items was created by a De Beers marketing campaign in combination with artificial scarcity. They are also frequently mined by child slaves. Given the choice between a diamond mined by a child slave and one randomly found on the surface by an adult person protected by robust labor laws, I'm going with the latter.
I'm sure there are also some kind of serious ethical issues regarding oysters, but I really don't want to know what they are so that I can continue eating oysters.
Second — a person's intrinsic value is not determined by their clothing choices, unless that clothing choice involves a Vera Bradley bag.
I have been striking out against dress codes since seventh grade, when we were not allowed to wear shorts shorter than three inches above our knees and I bravely insisted upon continuing to grow taller even after buying my shorts for the year. But this is worse than a dress code. This is telling girls that they are actual "trash" if they don't adhere to the dress code, that wearing a miniskirt means they have no value. It's also telling young boys that it is totally fine for them to treat girls poorly if they are wearing anything other than an FLDS-style prairie dress.
The fact is, the FLDS didn't pop up out of nowhere. Purity culture didn't pop up out of nowhere. I'd love to be able to say that this choir director or these red pill creeps are aberrations who also popped up out of nowhere, but versions of them have always existed. There have always been men who have sought to police women's ability to express themselves sexually and sartorially, because they want to be able to control women and if you want to control people — that's the way to do it.
On the bright side, as prevalent as it seems they are right now, we can rejoice in the fact that they are all deeply unhappy people and that all we need to do to continue making them unhappy is to wear comfortable pants.
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"She hangs on the Western wall."
...Thomas Pynchon, V (a novel)