MAGA Republicans Gonna Investigate Biden For That Nuclear War He Started With Russia
Reckon they saw it on Tucker, so it must be true.
Reminder: Scott Perry is a GOP congressman from Pennsylvania who had his phone seized by the FBI pursuant to an investigation into his participation in the events surrounding January 6, 2021, when Donald Trump instigated a terrorist attack against the United States in an effort to overturn a free and fair election and overthrow the government.
He is not on the side of freedom, regardless of his chairmanship of the House Freedom Caucus.
But this is the guy saying that, should Republicans win/steal/seize power in November, they should investigate the Biden administration for, in essence, being too nice to Ukraine (our ally) and not nice enough to Russia (our enemy).
Axios broke the news that Perry would like an investigation into how the Biden administration has handled the idea of peace talks for Russia and Ukraine. (Reminder: Russia invaded Ukraine for no reason aside from Putin's grandiose hallucinations about reestablishing Novorossiya , or a New Russia that includes all the lands to which Putin thinks it's entitled. It was never actually about NATO. Remember that when considering the ideas of people who want "peace talks" where Ukraine has to give things up.)
Perry reportedly texted Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, upon which he also sits, to see if they had sent the Biden administration any records preservation requests for conversations between Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about an alleged peace plan this spring where Ukraine would have promised not to join NATO. It's an article of faith inside Tucker Carlson's butt and among those who respect Tucker that there was a real peace plan on the table back in April, and Joe Biden forced Ukraine not to take it. It's a lie, but it forms the major backbone of another one of Tucker's lies, which is that the Biden administration is trying to force Russia into a regime change war. (Or that we are already in one! )
Which brings us to these texts from Scott Perry to his Republican pals on the Foreign Affairs Committee:
Perry said he is "completely opposed to Russian actions regarding Ukraine," but is "not in favor of war with Russia."
"If these nitwits in this jackwagon Administration are blundering us or intentionally marching us to war with Russia, nuclear or otherwise, we'd better start to preserve the evidence so there can be accountability."
Translation: "If the fumes I huffed from Tucker's butt come true, there better be a paper trail!"
Axios notes that the establishment GOP supports aid and arms for Ukraine, but MAGA Republicans want Ukraine to negotiate with Russia, because they say they are worried about nuclear escalation. We should point out that the only person threatening to use nukes is Putin, and running away crying every time a madman like Putin mentions a nuke is not actually good foreign policy.
Putin loves that idea, though. And Fox News loves it. Apparently to all these fucking morons, the only entity here with any agency is the Biden administration, and if Putin flips out and uses a nuke, well, Biden must have made him do it. This also appears to be Tulsi Gabbard's position. (The Tulsi Gabbard position is the Tucker position is the Scott Perry position, it is all the same position.)
Hell, it's right there in Axios's copy:
Perry's comments mirror the concerns of isolationists — on both the right and the left — who say the Western desire for an outright Ukrainian win could provoke a cornered Russian President Vladimir Putin to take drastic action, including a nuclear strike.
"The Western desire for an outright Ukrainian win" -- in other words for the country that Putin invaded for no reason and whose babies it's been genociding to actually win the war -- "could provoke a cornered Russian President Vladimir Putin to take drastic action."
Look what you made him do!
Ukrainians — and Biden — counter that Russia can end the war at any time by withdrawing its forces and that only the Ukrainian people have the right to determine the fate of their country.
More simply, the people being murdered say the murdering could stop anytime the murderer wants to stop murdering.
Fuck anyone who tries to tell Ukraine to give up a thing to appease that piece of shit Putin. And don't hide behind "isolationism" either -- you either support helping Ukraine win, or you support Russia's murder spree. Full stop.
Investigating Joe Biden only redounds to the benefit of one of those sides.
[ Axios ]
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I did all those things too. It was the first time in a really long time. My water heater didn't work. Now I barely recognize myself. That's just some rando.