Piling on re Sheldon Whitehouse. Please, oh please, fix this. He does not deserve what amounts these days to defamation. He is a treasure.

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Pardon me for a few seconds.


I live in Rhode Island, volunteer every election cycle for his campaign, and have actually met him numerous times. It's comparable to posting "US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (D-GA)".

I actually got a phone call from a friend who reads this site (upon my recommendation), is thinking of joining, blah blah about this post.

Now she's wondering. And who the fuck can blame her?

Yes, we all make mistakes, but we correct them. Please correct this before someone actually believes my beloved state would actually elect a fucking Republican to the US Senate in this day and age.

*breathing into a paper bag*

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Ta, Dok, for the link to that YouTube video about One-Eyed Jack/Dexter.

And as noted below, Whitehouse is NOT a Republican, so you might want to fix that.

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When did Whitehouse become a republican?

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My queendom for a copy editor!

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It occurs to me that Donny might have a death wish because his daddy didn't love him, and as a result lives transactionally, not caring if he takes every living creature on the planet with him, as long as he gets his cheeseburger, diet coke, and daily dose of Fux Knews rage-bile?

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“API meets with candidates and policymakers to discuss the need for sound energy policies, and this meeting was no different.”


It's interesting... if that is the word I want... that the people who complain about "big government" never seem to complain about, or even notice, this sort of thing.

Say what you will about our elected officials -- and some of them area just plain terrible -- but SOMEBODY voted for them at SOME point.

The corporations and lobbyists who pull this sort of shit are functioning as a de facto UNELECTED GOVERNMENT, and most of them don't even bother to pay taxes for the privilege of doing so.

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::Krusty the Klown voice:: "Is it a crime to publicly solicit bribes?"

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Money is speech. First amendment!

-- John Roberts

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I wish they saw voting as speech.

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Fucking Durbin! Open your eyes and see seditious trsitors in front of you.

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"Wonkette is a clean e-publication delivered to you by the miracle of electricity"

But is it 100% renewable energy, Trix? WHAR WINDMILL?

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$400 million, not billion. 4 x 10^8, not 4 x 10^11.

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Tomato, tomato.

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Tomato, 83 1/3 dozen tomatoes.

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You know what Trump served the pollution-company executives at that $250,000-a-plate dinner at Mar-a-Lago where he promised to sell out a livable climate for campaign donations?

Chopped steak.


Maybe they should feel lucky it wasn't Big Macs that had been sitting under a heat lamp for three hours. Or maybe they should look past their goddamn quarterly bottom lines to realize that Trump is a lot of chopped steak himself.

Nah. Never the second one.

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The Trump transactional brand.

Expect the most possible from others while giving the least possible to others.

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I'd bet it was something like Choice eye of round. Made into Chopped Steak. I'd bet MAL uses the cheapest ingredients they can possibly get away with--canned vegetables (NOT CLAMS, they can't be that kind of monster, can they??), cheap cuts of meat, cheap sundries and dry goods--and charge top dollar to anyone who rents the place out for weddings, etc.

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They served chopped steak? In Texas? Seems that would be insulting to Texans who love to

brag about the biggest and best steaks in the world.

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With A1 Steak Sauce?

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Obviously a battery isn’t gonna outweigh a tank, but 7 tons is a lotta battery. Most cars weigh less than 2 tons (giant SUV death mobiles not counted).

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He's trying to fat shame batteries.

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Heavy duty non-commercial ICE trucks run up to 8,000 average so there is some weight advantage, but is it enough to outweigh all of the advantages...?

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$400 billion. Imagine what that money COULD have been used for...

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That’s such a crazy number. Is it even true? My God…

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No, it's $400 million. That's a lot of money, but it's a thousand times less than $400 billion.

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Thanks, John. Even $400M is jaw-dropping, but 400B is more stars than there are in the Milky Way.

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I'd buy that for a dollar!

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“America knows what he did.” Yes. That's why we're foolishly waiting for ANY kind of accountability.

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I'm sure senator Whitehouse is a fine person. But whenever I see his name, I think of Monty wooly and his star turn is Sheridan Whiteside in the uproarious The Man who came to dinner.

We could use more people with piercing wit and deadly sarcasm aimed at fuckers like Trump. Where is my Monty woolly? Where is my Sheridan Whiteside? Where is my Alexander Wolcott?

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"Where is my Monty woolly?"


Or my Monty Python?

Or even Monty Hall?

Hell, at this point, I'd settle for Monte Rock III.

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instead we get Kid Rock

and most people are too stressed and overworked to have the time to pay attention or recognize the difference

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Whitehouse is a damn pit bull we need many more like him.

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He's also a Democrat, not a Republican.

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Exactly why we need more like him.

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