I'm so disappointed because I feel nobody has looked at the-- are you all just plain too highbrow to look at youtube, "She Scratched My Car and Then Called the Police"? Which--isn't it funny? Little did I know --- as I urgently told you all, it would also offer a stark demonstration of a true humanist-- not showing off but just being himself courageously-- vs an older, huger, giant bully of chaos, but it does. It does, Sara Benincasa! Welcome back here.

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The book sounds great, and I'll get hold of it, thanks. Also, for those who like Montaigne, I would recommend Sir Francis Bacon's collection of Essays, which are excellent in a similar way: they tease out as many aspects of their topics as possible, rather than pronouncing the last word on them. "Of Truth" is probably the best of the collection, but all of Bacon's essays are worth reading for their thoughtfulness and "probative" style. We could use more of that style today since we live in a time when people seem to be more confused than ever and yet appear to believe they know everything.

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Apparently, I've traveled back in time. Thank goodness.

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Oh, hello! I intend to read that book! I'd like to recommend to you, meanwhile, a Karen video, where you'll see, in the very first segment, the humanist viewpoint so beautifully expressed vs. a very threatening walking example of meaningless belligerence. The video is called "She Scratched My Car and then Called the Police." But this one I mean is not that one, but the very first one you'll see.

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SARA BENINCASA? I step away from Wonkette for one day to do yardwork and I miss SARA BENINCASA? Whom I follow on Tiktok and X and revere? I am sorry not to have a timely comment, but rest assured I am so honored to learn that Sara Benincasa is not only a book critic, but is a Wonkette reader and supporter past and present writer, and LURKER, and probably has read and liked (but never upvoted) some of my very own non-comments. Thank you Sara Benincasa and yes I too support Wonkette to the extent I can per month and can I say, your post MADE MY DAY? Not because I loved the book review but because the first paragraph. The end.

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I have missed our regular beatings.

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Sara! Welcome back!

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Religions: Do the right thing, as if no one is watching.

Me: No one IS watching, but I do the right thing because I'm trying not to be a complete asshole.

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Moral resilience! I was just reading about that as the antidote to moral distress.


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Love that

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And it’s the right thing to do.

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Thanks for this. I'm on it!

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Yay! Sara wrote another piece for The Wonkette! I was very into her podcast early in the COVID-19 shutdown. I loved that she just got interesting people, her friends or someone doing something cool on Twitter or musicians or whatever, and just talked about how they were getting through the day-to-day, and how to find joy in it.

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Placed a hold with my local library!

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Nice to see you are back Sara Benincasa.

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Added to my Kindle wish list, it sounds interesting.

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HEY! You remember that time we all made fun of Disqus and Becca got really mad at us and we all giggled and giggled? Well, don't try it with the Substaxes... she's NOT IN THE MOOD RIGHT NOW!

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Oh thank Dog. Can't have enough Jersey Girl around here.

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(still) ONE OF US! (still) ONE OF US! (still) ONE OF US!

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Where'd ya go? Did you get me a T-shirt?

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I won't judge Sara for her feelings. About ten years ago I read this book called "Agorafabulous!" and fell in love with author.

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I have "Agorafabulous" and "D.C. Trip" around here somewhere. Unless my spawn wandered off with them.

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Oh noooo I am influencing the spawn!!!

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They were already bad seeds. I trained them well.

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That is so nice and I pansexually love this comment!

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On behalf of Benincasa-stans everywhere, welcome back, Sara! I always enjoyed your post-Wonkette posts on ECKS(?)/Twitter, but I'm rarely there these days, so it made me smile to see your name on the byline. Eager to check out Sarah Bakewell (especially the Montaigne book). But whose Amazon kickback link do I click....yours or Wonkette's? (chin-scratching emoji)

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Thank you honey! I died on Twitter on 10/31/22 and am now "just" here and on our friend Blue Sky Social (weird). I don't get Amazon kickbacks, alas, so do the Wonk's!

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I remember Sara! :D

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