Shawn Fain Invites YOU To The May Day 2028 General Strike! Tabs, Wed., May 1, 2024
So now Joe Biden wants to reschedule the pots? (Joe has never *actually* wanted to reschedule the pots, it is one of his sillier old man things.) I mean, I guess if it took you this long and a whole bunch of angry young people to get here, the important thing is you’re here now, Joe. (NBC News)
Perhaps you have been noticing that we haven’t been talking hardly at all about what is going on at the colleges and in Israel and Gaza. (I know you have been noticing, because you have sent me very angry, very personally attacking emails about my moral fiber and your contempt for me.) Well how about this: I think everyone’s fucked. Israel has made itself the actual frothing wild-eyed villain, by doing actual frothing wild-eyed villain shit that is going to stick on it a looooong time. The October 7 massacres have been actively memoryholed in a shocking feat of pro-war-crime propaganda, every single one of them magically “debunked.” I think the supposed Left were spoiling for a fight with “Genocide Joe” — like “he is a strikebreaking anti-union scab” come on — before October 7 was even a twinkle in Hamas’s eye, but now they’ve got a wonderful reason and they’re going to punish us all, on purpose, with the guy who wants to literally put us in camps. And the universities could not fuck themselves harder if they had three dicks. Columbia, which gives out the Pulitzer Prizes, has banned all the journalists and called in the tanks.
I don’t like talking about it, and I really don’t like you talking about it, because you have a nasty habit of calling each other (and me!) genocide-lovers and/or antisemites, sometimes simultaneously. Here’s some things that you could read and think about, but that would require you to consider that other people have well-meaning opinions that don’t just come down to “loves genocide” or “hates Jews.” Here’s the AP on the absolute clusterfuck going on between the students (wilding) and the idiot university administrators (being feckless fucking idiots without any feck). (AP) And here’s Don Moynihan several days ago warning all the other universities off from following UT Austin and Columbia’s lead on the stupid fucking headcracking. It looks like everyone forgot to listen! (Don Moynihan) Hey, but the police are being calm and sober and wiser heads right? (Chronicle of Higher Ed / every other news outlet in the country right now) Here’s Josh Marshall on … well, fuck, a lot of it, including why refusing to demand that Israel be “dismantled” doesn’t mean you love genocide. (Talking Points Memo) Here’s Erwin Chemerinsky explaining it was pretty fucking awful having posters up all over Berkeley Law showing him eating babies like a big ol’ Jew for no other reason than that he is a big ol’ Jew. (The Atlantic) Here’s Jill Stein explaining Jews can just leave Israel and go to Poland because that’s not how anything works, Jill Stein, no link. Jonathan Katz, who’s BEEN pissed about Gaza, went to the White House and asked Joe Biden what the fuck is he going to do about Netanyahu? It’s a good column! Joe Biden did not have great answers! (The Racket) Sorry you don’t think I have a moral compass. I don’t know what the fuck to do either. I think this is all spiraling out of control and we are in for a world of fucking hurt, and you all know the consequences as well as I do. But sure, keep being a fucking dick.
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Oh the Supreme Court just loves it when the Fifth Circuit goes wilding. No, it really loves it! Porn law edition! (Chris Geidner at Law Dork)
Bill Barr says Trump was constantly bringing up executing his political rivals, but Barr is pretty sure he was just blowing off steam I guess. (HuffPost)
Wonkette suer (and loser — thank you West Virginia ACLU!) Don Blankenship is running for Senate again, as a Democrat this time what even the fuck, and he’s taking RFK Jr.’s “Brutus is an honorable man” quote about him and putting a whole bunch of ellipses in it like an old-timey movie poster: “The best [ellipses] this year!” Let them all fight. (Press Pass at The Bulwark, scroll down a couple items)
Nerd out on the Department of Transportation’s new rules. They’re good rules! (The American Prospect)
Cory Booker and Steve Cohen’s RESTORE Act would undo some shitty Clinton-era bans on SNAP benefits from anyone who ever looked at the pots. Yay, those guys! (Capital B News)
Shawn Fain invites YOU to the May Day 2028 GENERAL STRIKE! (In These Times)
I’m still mad, but our partner Martie has hella cheap good snacks. If you purchase through our link, we get a honkin’ commission. So if you’ve already been buying from them and they send you an email that makes you want to buy more, DO NOT CONGRATULATE, come over here and find this link and do it from us instead.
If you are shopping on Amazon anyway, using this link gives us a small commission on everything you buy until you check out (unless you close the tab first, obviously).
Do not, and I mean do not, test me please.
Okay bye.
Happy May Day, comrades. Here is your quickie source info post:
Thank you, gracious Editrix, for the link to the Josh Marshall article. Very much appreciated, as I have friends on both sides of the situation and the only thing I feel qualified to say or do is express my horror at the loss of life on both sides and pray for peace, as impossible as it has always seemed.