Shirtless Wisconsin Gunhumper Demands Chat With Gov. Tony Evers, As One Does. Twice, With Assault Rifle Second Time.
If this armed society gets much more polite, we're in trouble.

A shirtless man with a handgun was arrested at the Wisconsin Capitol Wednesday after he demanded to see Gov. Tony Evers. After the man was released on bail, he returned in the evening with an assault rifle, although Wisconsin has a strict no-assault-rifle office hours policy. NBC News didn’t say whether the man had put on a shirt before his second visit, but we’re guessing not, because who’s going to boss around a patriot like that?
The Washington Post adds that the rifle was a loaded AK-47, and that during the initial visit to the Capitol the man had a “leashed dog” with him. Honestly, we hope a third outlet later reveals it was a wiener dog. We hope the doggo is OK; the man was taken into protective custody after the nighttime event.
Fortunately, Evers was not at the Capitol at all yesterday, and the suite of rooms that includes the governor’s office is protected by an armed guard.
Wisconsin Department of Administration spokesperson Tatyana Warrick explained that openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol building is illegal, although concealed carry is perfectly legal if someone has a proper permit. So there’s the answer to Rebecca’s observation in the Wonkette ChatCave that it sounds like they could probably use a metal detector: It would detect all the perfectly legal concealed handguns carried by patriots, who would then be infringed by having to show their permits, and what is this, Soviet Australia under Hitler all of a sudden?
The man did not have a concealed carry permit, and we’ll just wildly speculate he may have considered that a violation of whatever right he also believed allowed him to carry an assault rifle to the Capitol to have a word with the governor, too. WaPo adds that during that second visit, he was also charged with not having a concealed weapon permit after he agreed to let police search his backpack, which contained a police baton.
Evers was one of several state and federal officials included on a hit list found on a different man suspected of murdering a retired county judge in New Lisbon, Wisconsin, in 2022. That suspected killer shot himself in the head and later died at a hospital. The hit list included Evers, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, who as a Republican might seem a surprising target until you recall that Donald Trump and many MAGA idiots consider him a RINO traitor.
Having lots of guns everywhere is a good thing, a real good thing, and if you say otherwise you may be wished into a cornfield, or in Wisconsin, a cheese field.
Ms. Warrick said there weren’t any plans to change security for Evers or in the Wisconsin Capitol, which is open to the public daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and does not have any metal detectors to interfere with the absolute right of citizens to pack heat with a permit, just in case any lawmakers start getting tyrannical, the end.
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If an armed society is a polite society they why are gun owners such rude dicks?
What they mean by "polite society" is that everyone is afraid of *them*