'Somebody-somebody-somebody, an actress with a TV show...'
In the chaotic and heroic media frenzy that's greeted the death of America's Sweetheart, Anna Nicole Smith, only one crazy anonymous emailer (not Nadine, alas, but just as tuned-in tothe real story) has managed to get to the truth: Smith was killed, possibly by the Kennedys, or Nancy Pelosi, to cover up President Bush's affair with... Michele Bachmann.
Tony Blair, the Queen of England, and MSNBC are all involved too. Read the terrifying tale in its entirety, after the jump.
Let me see if I've got this straight?
President Bush is shown on TV kissing a woman, who has her hands all over him, at the State of the State speech.
Anna Nichole Smith gets married to a very older guy and sues to get his money. The Bush Administration publically "Supports her." She has a baby and her son dies at the same time. She has a "Ceremony" to assertain the father. Three men fight over the paternity and the money.
Tony Blair is going down the tubes because of a cash-for-titles scandal. President Bush was knighted by the Queen long ago.
Day before yesterday, MSNBC airs a video clip of former President GHW Bush goosing "Somebody-somebody-somebody, an actress with a TV show..." but I missed the name. I hardly wanted to watch the clip.
But that's MSNBC for you... Their men are always in the right places.
Yesterday, Anna Nichole Smith was found dead, and all the media speculation is of drugs and suicide. The aura is of Maryln Monroe, and one almost thinks right away of JFK.
The Scooter Libby trail is finally underway, with another MSNBC reporter, and comes out as if an melodrama written by Mel Brooks. Yet it is quietly mentioned that the VP is really the Nixonian Figure in question behind whatever the real truth is.
Several Justice Department attorneys recently fired by the Administration have been ordered reinstated.
Nancy Pelosi has gotten her new toy military jet from the Pentagon. And ISN'T doing all those promised "Hearings to root out corruption" that was her past claim.
No... She's just sitting on the fence as if a turkey vulture second in line to the carrion.
Is all this headed where I think it is?
... "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." George Orwell (Author of 1984)
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