…i’ve been waiting for justice since fucking Mueller report, then impeachments, then his coup, which is still in full swing, with all its organizers are in our congress presiding over committees dismantling what’s left from our democracy and orange psychopath IS A FRONT RUNNER FOR PRESIDENT of US NAZI party and i do not believe he’ll ever will spend a fucking day in prison, our country proved to be pathetic and politically impaired

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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…Jack is a fucking coward and we are FUCKED


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Jeez. I promise to copy edit my comments.

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Maybe she's just a little confused and thinks she's teaching a law class, not actually working as a judge?

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Well if that's the case, I think that anybody taking her class would be dumber at the end of it than when they started.

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Trump likes to scream... says it all. Through conditioning, he's learned that if he screams loud enough he'll get his way.. In his infantile world view, screaming louder than anyone else makes you "the boss"

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Syphilis just says/does to stay in the spotlight - one of his ADDICTIONS.

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Is it a fishing expedition? I honestly don't know. Honestly asking lawyers here. Could she gain an advanced insight into prosecutor thinking and approach if Smith's team answered these?

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No, this was one of the stupidest orders she could make, but as she was just assisting PAB in delaying the trial she didn't think it through.

This is really just the most open and shut case ever and the fact that Jack Smith has had to deal with this must make him think back on how hard it was for him to get convictions on war crimes and how satisfying it was when he finally did. He's going to pull this case over the finish line.

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Isn't a judge generally, and as a "best practice," supposed to deal with these questions -- based in pleadings from both sides -- TO DEAL WITH THESE QUESTIONS W/O Asking the lawyers for the fucking the notes from that part of judge class they missed?

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"The would-be judge’s writing experience was largely limited to a college internship at the El Nuevo Herald newspaper in Miami, where she covered prenatal yoga and flamenco dancing."


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This ^ is behind a paywall.

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zero paywall for me. in multiple browsers. and i most assuredly don't subscribe to the philadelphia inquirer.

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Jack Smith is facing a dilemma that someone else faced back in 2008. That was the year that aspiring vice president Joe Biden had to actually get on stage with Sarah Palin and have debate!

The dilemma is this: how does a competent, intelligent MAN with a lot going for him deal with a WOMAN who, in no way, has the same competence, skill or intelligence and CORRECT her mistakes in public without looking bad while doing it? (aka "man splaining")

My mind drifts back to that debate and how Our Old Handsome Joe Biden threaded that needle nicely. No doubt he had plenty of debate input from his team. But, crucially, he had Doctor Jill Biden at his side as well. And so that is why he sailed through that narrow straits that night without crashing on the rocks of political correctness while evading the whirlpool of cowardice.

We can only hope Jack Smith is on the line with Joe and Jill.

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I see this as majorly different because it isn't a televised public debate and they aren't running for office -- they're both legal professionals (though apparently only just barely in her case) disputing points of law in writing. They do need to take account of public reactions, but those are very much secondary, while the whole point of a VP debate is to affect public opinion.

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I love me some Jack. Now if we can Get the Supreme Court to get off it’s arse ( excepting three good women) and hearTrump’s bat shit immunity claim sooner.. .

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Can we declare a bad judge thingie now?

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Cannon is an all in Karen. Supreme Court material.

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100% she will be Trump’s first nominee to the Supreme Court if he wins.

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Won’t a Justice have to die first?

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One could retire

It's what both Alito and Thomas have SAID they want to do

Where has everybody been


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The sooner the better!

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she obviously knows which side of the bread is buttered if she’s a good R judge …

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This is so beautiful - what Jack did, and Evan's hilarious writeup.

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I love Evans writing

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For those of us who are not legal eagles, what happens if it goes to the 11th? Could they counter-rule against the judge? Could the judge be removed from the case? We know damn well that she’s not dropping a gag order on Trump, which puts all witnesses and court staff at risk.

If the case remains in the judge’s court, it’s Circus Time! Though I wonder how long she’ll carry water for him if he loses. It will be fucking hilarious if Trump brings a shitstorm down on the GOP in November. Because he will be over. Phone calls not answered. Doors closing and locking. Old allies muttering “No comment.”

“Good luck with the wolves, Donny!”

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On thing is for sure, if she remains on the case, she will dismiss it as soon as jeopardy is attached.

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