Sounds Like Trump's Locked In Oval Office Masturbating To His '100 Pictures' Of Mueller And Comey Kissing
Wonkette wrote words at ya earlier about how the White House is furiously trying to pretend James Mattis and John Kelly didn't say those very mean things they obviously said about President Sundowner, as reported in Bob Woodward's new page-turner book Fear. They also want us to believe Trump didn't call Jeff Sessions "mentally retarded," uh huh OK, sure, you bet.
In this blog post, Wonkette would like to CONNECT THE DOTS between two news stories about Trump and his fragile state of mind. The first comes in the transcript of his bugfuck insane interview with the Daily Caller.
Trump is discussing why he didn't hire Robert Mueller as his FBI director. After citing his "business dispute" with Mueller (something about greens fees at one of his tacky-ass resorts), Trump explained further:
[H]e's Comey's best friend.
Actually that is something Trump believes , but as usual, Trump is full of shit. But let's move on:
And I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other. You know, he's Comey's best friend.
O RLY? Donald Trump has "100 pictures" of Robert Mueller and James Comey making gay mouths? Aside from the fact that the president is clearly hallucinating and needs to be Constitution-ed out of the Oval Office and into a nursing home, where does Donald Trump think he has these pictures? Are they in his office? Are they on the Resolute Desk, underneath all the documents his aides are gonna steal when he's not looking, so he can't break the world any further by signing them?
We are just asking questions, about Donald Trump's "100 pictures" of Comey and Mueller making nookie, which definitely exist.
The second fun news story comes from Gabe Sherman in Vanity Fair, which tells us just how GRRR ARGH Trump is right now about the Woodward book:
"It's pandemonium. He literally isn't talking to anyone. He's canceled meetings and is on the phone calling up his friends," one source said.
OMG we are so jealous of White House staffers right now! What does America have to do to get the silent treatment from Donald Trump? For real, America calls him a fucking moron CONSTANTLY, and yet he's ALWAYS THERE YELLING AT CLOUDS IN OUR FACE.
Sherman says Trump is so mad about the stories of everybody calling him a moron and everybody treating him like a fucking baby manchild who needs to be controlled. Of course, nobody in the White House is buying the idea that Woodward got anything wrong:
"Everybody on the inside knows it's true. It's just Fox News people who don't want to admit how crazy he is."
Now, Wonkette is just trying to do the most serious analysis we can here, but if you put the story of Trump's imaginary "100 pictures" of Comey and Mueller doing tongues to each other together with the story of Trump being so mad about the Woodward book that he's refusing to talk to anybody, we can only responsibly wildly speculate that Trump is locked in the Oval right now with no pants on hallucinating/masturbating to his "100 pictures" of Comey and Mueller playing horizontal panty hockey with each other, because that's just what normal presidents do all the time on Wednesdays.
Think we're wrong? PROVE IT, IVANKA.
This has been a news analysis blog post from Wonkette dot com.
[ The Daily Caller / Vanity Fair ]
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Deep breath. I apologize for the ankle-bracelet-stay away from kids snark, but I honestly thought you might have been an English Teacher who lost it over grammar and beat up a kid. Every teacher has probably been tempted at some point. You have an MOS of cryptolingiust, so SIGINT and HUMINT are your playgrounds. You probably spent a lot of time in Ft. Huachuca and Meade, I guess. Your reference to Ft. Ord makes you probably (spelled right here) retired at least 15 years.
As you know from your service. time in grade exists in all social structures. As a rookie cop, you don't sit in the back with the veterans, you sit up front, listen, take notes, and STFU unless asked directly. Your comment history shows 400, so you're a rookie here. That's OK, everybody starts there, but you shouldn't be criticizing veterans right off the bat. You're gonna get slapped down hard, as you are in violation of the Wonkette version of UCMJ 134.
Which brings us to the subject matter, use of slang. As a #98, you should have a better understanding of slang than an 11-B. Slang is used by members of a sub-group, and it functions as a "are you in or not?" filter. Mlitary, scientist, cop, lawyer, doctor, everybody does it. If you don't use it, don't get it, and insist that members already in the group change to make you happy, then guess what?
1. You're not in the group2. You will never be welcomed into the group
Something to chew on
Go 'way, kid