Oh sure, you have just ONE hot tub full of acid...
Back in March we told you about the curious mystery of the crazy party people, porn debauches, and acid-filled bathtub at the Florida house rented by Steve Bannon and his former (and third) wife, Diane Clohesy. By the time Bannon was no longer renting the place, it was quite the fixer-upper, what with padlocks on all the inside doors, the constant parties, and frequent police visits to the house, located among the McMansions of Miami's Coconut Grove neighborhood. Those weird goings-on were initially reported by the Washington Post in a story about whether Bannon actually lived there: He was registered to vote at that address, but lived in Hollywood at the time. Now, ShareBlue has an update on the Bannon Meth Mansion of Mystery and the headaches -- literally -- that the next tenant had to deal with thanks to the previous tenants.
First off, one mystery cleared up: Miami-Dade law enforcement concluded that while Bannon never actually resided in the county, there wasn't sufficient evidence to suggest he'd intentionally committed voter fraud by having registered to vote there. So Steve Bannon is not a vote frauder, what a relief.
The ShareBlue piece does flesh out some of the tales of debauchery and mayhem that the earlier Washington Post story only hinted at, mostly from the perspective of Lawrence Curtis, the poor unfortunate bastard who rented the house after the former Mrs. Bannon and her crew left. Curtis is an underwater cinematographer who was often away shooting movies, but while he lived there, the house was so full of chemical nastiness left over from the previous occupants that it literally made him sick. You'll want to go read the whole thing, because there's a bunch of debauchery, but we'll give you a few highlights.
For one thing, there's that hot tub, which was described only as "full of acid" in the earlier story. By the time Curtis took possession of the house, the oozy Jacuzzi had been cleaned up, sort of, but not really:
Carlos Herrera, who owned the house with with his wife, Andreina Morales, painted a picture of what initially seemed to be a normal tenancy but soon evolved into an almost daily parade of debauchery and drug use, including run-ins with the police.
“The conclusion is she was probably cooking meth in here,” Herrera said of Bannon’s ex-wife. That would have explained the damage done to the bathtub and kitchen sink.
Curtis even took pics of the luxury accommodations:

Curtis also heard all sorts of stories from five people who had seen what all went on in the Party Casa -- apparently not while Bannon was there; he was apparently just paying his ex's rent while she lived it up, because he's just that kind of guy. A handyman who worked at the property told Curtis of having seen porn being filmed there, although in a shocking disappointment, we don't know what the titles were. Investigative journalism, my eye. The handyman, Felix, said he'd "witnessed women and men being filmed in the act" and added that he'd had to remove lots of trash, rags, and buckets full of chemicals. Poor Felix also had the task of trying to scrub that tub, which appears to have been both thankless and futile. He too was sure it was used for making drugs.
Then there was the pest control dude who enjoyed telling Curtis -- a little too enthusiastically, he thought -- about all the drugs and sex and naked people, including
An unnamed male tenant, he said, who was “a heavy set man,” offered him “girls for sex and/or drugs in lieu of payment,” but he never accepted because he could lose his job.
Prolly not Bannon, though, because "heavy set" describes the bulk of Florida guys, except maybe the wiry ones all hopped up on bath salts and eating people's faces.
Another repair guy Curtis called when he needed the kitchen range fixed initially refused to come to the house until he was sufficiently reassured that Curtis wasn't the previous tenant. He told Curtis that when he'd been to the house previously, he saw something nasty in the everywhere:
"The tenants would scream at him to leave and threatened him with violence.” At other times, when he was allowed into the house to perform work, he observed topless and naked men and women and the constant presence of drugs, which they would sometimes offer to him.
He told Curtis it was “the worst experience of his life” and that he “did not want anything to do with those ‘evil people.’”
“You have no idea what kind of evil stuff went on in the house,” he said.
Asked for comment, the house oozed blood and moaned "For God's sake, GET OUT."
Curtis eventually had to move out of the house because it was affecting his health: After moving in, he'd experience "fatigue, inability to sleep, eye and skin irritation, chronic chest pain, and dizziness," symptoms that faded when he checked into a hotel or went on a filming trip. The landlord, Herrera, eventually admitted methamphetamine had been made in the house, and test kits Curtis purchased showed contamination levels "through the roof," confirming the presence of both meth and cocaine.
Not wanting to snort his rental home, Curtis moved out in May, and says he still suffers from health problems that began when he was renting Bannon's former house.
That might help explain why Bannon's complexion so closely resembles an Air Force drone's bomb-damage assessment photos of Syrian battlefields. Or maybe it's just acne.
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[ ShareBlue ]
I've never hear him deny it, so it must be true.
Meth is a helluva drug. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...