Steven Mnuchin Delighted To Learn About 'WIC' Program For Poors, Isn't That Just Marvelous
Really, he just learned what it is.
The New York Times has an interesting piece about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's negotiations with congressional Republicans and Donald Trump's usual gang of idiots at the White House. Toward the end, there's this jaw dropper.
At one point during one of the negotiations, [Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin] had inquired what WIC, a nutritional program specifically for women, infants and children, was, according to a person familiar with the talks.
"On any given day, you might say, why am I even talking to these people? They don't care," Ms. Pelosi said.
Pelosi's right: How do you even with these people? Steven Mnuchin isn't just some rich twit who doesn't fully comprehend the price of bananas. Mnuchin is the head of the United States Department of the Treasury. Alexander Hamilton had this job. How does Mnuchin spent three years running the economy and not know about a federal program that feeds poor women and children?
[ New York Times ]
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The cards my state used were specifically issued for the program and did not take fees out or require fees to use. They weren't like the prepaid debit cards you see floating around.