I tried to listen to the Donalds interview, but was defeated by the first half, where he kept lying about the NY trial and received zero pushback on any of it.
All Flint Lockwood wanted was to be a great inventor and make everyone happy. Other than the odd similarities in kissing styles, Josh Hawley is the very opposite of Flint Lockwood!!
I don't watch TV, don't read hard copy newspapers and live a sheltered life. I think I saw at least a half dozen reports about Byron Donalds and figured out he was just another republican asshat from Floriduh. Then somehow I learned he is black. Then I just had to fall back on the observation that 2% of the population are sociopaths and that for a black sociopath, the republican party provides the best career opportunity.
My most recent experiences with shrinkflation. Got a new HP computer and after setting it up quickly noticed that it didn't have a camera card (SD) reader because apparently nobody takes pictures anymore and doesn't have a CD/Rom reader writer because apparently nobody . . . oh hell, who knows. I guess it's Joe Biden's fault.
You and Dave (see below) must both be old guys like myself to remember him. And don't forget that between those two posts that Dietzel was also head coach at West Point.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dietzel ) He is often mentioned as being the guy who invented "two platoon" football but according to the Wiki article it was more correctly "three platoon." Whatever, because after three losing seasons at LSU it turned them around and they won the National Championship in 1958, capping an undefeated season.
He died in 2013 and left a son also named Paul who has dabbled in LA Republican politics. My niece is really into that Ancestry.com stuff but has never turned up any evidence of our being related.
As I have mentioned before, the two things Republicans whine about, high prices at the gas station and the grocery store, are just as false as claims about crime going wild. The recent inflation rates published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics says grocery prices were flat in May and have increased only 1% over the past 12 months. Gas prices are about the same. But news shows never break down individual categories and seldom report the overall rate, which has been steady at around 3.5% for over a year. Not the 10% Donalds would probably say if asked. At least some of that due to corporate price gouging.
Anecdotally, for me at least, prices are a lot higher than the Bureau of Labor Statistics would have me believe. I mean like a helluva lot higher. Gas fluctuates, but groceries are insanely expensive right now.
OMFG. Josh Hawley is an alien who has only read vague descriptions of how humans kiss. I would bet a paycheck that he and his wife' pelvises are repelling each other like the north poles of two magnets!
The thing I hate about Byron Donalds is how he doesn’t even try to hide that smirk on his face. It’s like he’s thinking,”I’m full of shit and we both know it and I don’t care.” Tim Scott masks it better in that he comes across less opportunistic and more of a bumpkin.
It disgusts me that my brother, a retired Navy officer, is going to vote for Trump in LAS VEGAS. I said to him "didn't you take a pledge to uphold the Constitution"? He came back with "that wasn't really an insurrection, and Trump isn't REALLY going to overthrow democracy, because the military won't let him." I said "so when General Mike Flynn is the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you think he'll bravely stop Trump"? He didn't answer.
Did Byron Donalds say equitable several times? Is he woke?
I tried to listen to the Donalds interview, but was defeated by the first half, where he kept lying about the NY trial and received zero pushback on any of it.
Cable news is at best useless these days.
Donalds: "How can a Black person get ahead when you have less disposable income today than you had in 2017, in 2018, in 2019?"
Right-wingers always playing the race card, amirite?
There are likely more Blacks working today than whatever you hallucinated Trump.
I had forgotten about the Hawley photo. Guess that's how he's kept from catching cooties all these years...
Ta, MM. There is no such thing as Republican math; only propaganda.
Did not need a reminder of that time Josh Hawley tried to kiss his wife. Did. Not. Need. That.
Also too, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a very cute movie and I reject that bluesky post completely! Stop the Cloudy Meatball libel!
All Flint Lockwood wanted was to be a great inventor and make everyone happy. Other than the odd similarities in kissing styles, Josh Hawley is the very opposite of Flint Lockwood!!
I don't watch TV, don't read hard copy newspapers and live a sheltered life. I think I saw at least a half dozen reports about Byron Donalds and figured out he was just another republican asshat from Floriduh. Then somehow I learned he is black. Then I just had to fall back on the observation that 2% of the population are sociopaths and that for a black sociopath, the republican party provides the best career opportunity.
Just answer the FUCKING question Senator!
My most recent experiences with shrinkflation. Got a new HP computer and after setting it up quickly noticed that it didn't have a camera card (SD) reader because apparently nobody takes pictures anymore and doesn't have a CD/Rom reader writer because apparently nobody . . . oh hell, who knows. I guess it's Joe Biden's fault.
Didn't you used to coach the LSU Fighting Tigers way back in the late '50s?
You and Dave (see below) must both be old guys like myself to remember him. And don't forget that between those two posts that Dietzel was also head coach at West Point.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dietzel ) He is often mentioned as being the guy who invented "two platoon" football but according to the Wiki article it was more correctly "three platoon." Whatever, because after three losing seasons at LSU it turned them around and they won the National Championship in 1958, capping an undefeated season.
He died in 2013 and left a son also named Paul who has dabbled in LA Republican politics. My niece is really into that Ancestry.com stuff but has never turned up any evidence of our being related.
and South Carolina
Pepsodent Paul coached Heisman Trophy winner Billy Cannon, LSU's only Heisman winner...until this past season.
Alexander > Todd > Welker (though not by much). MSM, as always, complicit in keeping the clickbait in power, consequences be damned.
As I have mentioned before, the two things Republicans whine about, high prices at the gas station and the grocery store, are just as false as claims about crime going wild. The recent inflation rates published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics says grocery prices were flat in May and have increased only 1% over the past 12 months. Gas prices are about the same. But news shows never break down individual categories and seldom report the overall rate, which has been steady at around 3.5% for over a year. Not the 10% Donalds would probably say if asked. At least some of that due to corporate price gouging.
Anecdotally, for me at least, prices are a lot higher than the Bureau of Labor Statistics would have me believe. I mean like a helluva lot higher. Gas fluctuates, but groceries are insanely expensive right now.
Most of it is the price gouging. Or the avian flu prompting egg farm kill-off before they die-offs.
I remember Trickle Down! I didn't get wet, but I did stink of somebody else's piss. Or... was trickle down the stuffing in Youngkin's vest?
Black Churches are bigger on the inside.
Pretty Time Lords TARDIS tech is not that widely available.
They learned how to pack them in from slave ship diagrams.
OMFG. Josh Hawley is an alien who has only read vague descriptions of how humans kiss. I would bet a paycheck that he and his wife' pelvises are repelling each other like the north poles of two magnets!
One thing is always a constant in this universe. Anytime Kellyanne Conway is on TV, she will spill pure, unmitigated bullshit.
You could have also said "anytime ANY Republican is on TV, they will spill pure, unmitigated bullshit."
I watched that Byron Donalds interview, and if his lies had been bleeped out, there would have been NO interview. It was pure bullshit.
The thing I hate about Byron Donalds is how he doesn’t even try to hide that smirk on his face. It’s like he’s thinking,”I’m full of shit and we both know it and I don’t care.” Tim Scott masks it better in that he comes across less opportunistic and more of a bumpkin.
The Cult of Treasonweasels needs to stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance, since they have no allegiance to America.
It disgusts me that my brother, a retired Navy officer, is going to vote for Trump in LAS VEGAS. I said to him "didn't you take a pledge to uphold the Constitution"? He came back with "that wasn't really an insurrection, and Trump isn't REALLY going to overthrow democracy, because the military won't let him." I said "so when General Mike Flynn is the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you think he'll bravely stop Trump"? He didn't answer.
"Trump isn't REALLY going to overthrow democracy, because the military won't let him."
So he thinks Trump might actually try it but he's going to vote for him anyway? I'm sorry you're related to this person.