Another option, if you are in forbearance, is to put that money towards other debt like credit cards, which may be much higher than your student loan interest. Pay off the most expensive debt first.
Ta, Dok. My higher education was almost all self-administered, so I have no student loans to repay. I did go to holistic health school and paid for it. I did borrow some money to do so, and paid it all back. However, I do believe the SAVE act should be saved.
At the University of Oslo, there is no tuition fee except a small semester fee of NOK(600) (US$74).
Sweden, until the early 21st century, provided free education to foreign students but recently introduced fees for students from outside the European community.
Denmark also has universal free education, and provides a monthly stipend, the "Statens Uddannelsesstøtte" to students.
Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Sri Lanka and Uruguay provide free education at all levels, including college and university for citizens.
Well, you can't let the Dems get away with portraying college graduates, scientists, and teachers as "middle class," just because they are, by any definition of the term, instead of "snooty coastal elitists."
Another option, if you are in forbearance, is to put that money towards other debt like credit cards, which may be much higher than your student loan interest. Pay off the most expensive debt first.
Ta, Dok. My higher education was almost all self-administered, so I have no student loans to repay. I did go to holistic health school and paid for it. I did borrow some money to do so, and paid it all back. However, I do believe the SAVE act should be saved.
Editrix: There is no author indicated for this article.
"It’s like the Joker was running a court system." -- My feelings in a nutshell.
Um, why doesn't this post have a byline?
If I had to guess, I'd say it's Dok.
Being shitheads is their electoral strategy, and they just can't 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 why it isn't working.
"Maybe your loan servicer will send a poisonous snake in your next statement. (Honestly, I wouldn’t put that past Navient.)"
Nah, snakes are expensive, and bulky. Scorpions, on the other hand...
Also if you die, they get no more money from you.
They want to bleed you dry figuratively, not literally.
Dok is going to do his thing if I non-comment what's *really* on my mind. evil, privileged, motherfuckers.
"woke America haters who all major in gender studies"
What happened to basket weaving?
*Underwater* basket weaving.
Sigh. If only vegan babby butthole yodeling were a major...
At the University of Oslo, there is no tuition fee except a small semester fee of NOK(600) (US$74).
Sweden, until the early 21st century, provided free education to foreign students but recently introduced fees for students from outside the European community.
Denmark also has universal free education, and provides a monthly stipend, the "Statens Uddannelsesstøtte" to students.
Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Sri Lanka and Uruguay provide free education at all levels, including college and university for citizens.
If I look down on Real Americans while eating Lucky Charms from the box can I still be an America Hater?
The temple of Justice needs a thorough antiseptic cleansing.
Vote Blue damn it.
Republicans are punishing people for getting an education. Can't have critical thinkers running around and refusing to swallow horseshit, y'know
It's the Republinazis' revenge for Vietnam protests and the Civil Rights movement.
Well, you can't let the Dems get away with portraying college graduates, scientists, and teachers as "middle class," just because they are, by any definition of the term, instead of "snooty coastal elitists."
Regardless of SCOTUS bullshit, as long as Harris wins, I SHOULD qualify for PSLF in a year and 30 days on the dot.