"shockingly dishonest" seems the operative word for all the abortion haters.

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Ta, Robyn. Guess it's time to bring back dead baby jokes.

What's the difference between a truck full of eggs and a truck full of dead babies? You can't unload eggs with a pitchfork.

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Perinatal hospice is what those same republicans call “post-birth abortions” isn’t it?

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A country doctor once told my grandmother that she would be shocked at how many "monsters" (the term at the time) were born in his practice.

I guess we are going to learn that now.

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Hmm. Could Kaylee Griswold be a direct descendant of that medieval knight in the old Danny Kaye movie THE COURT JESTER, the knight the princess says is known to one and all as "the grim and grisly ghastly Griswold!"? Seems possible.

What a foul bitch.

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"The study’s authors acknowledged that further research and analysis is needed, and John Guillebaud, emeritus professor of family planning and reproductive health at University College London, noted in an email Tuesday that the association between the rise in deaths and the Texas law “doesn’t prove causation.”"

Take that, libtards!

"Still, Guillebaud said, the “fact that the commonest cause of early infant deaths is congenital abnormalities and the strict law banning induced abortions after embryonic cardiac activity, with no exemptions for congenital anomalies, makes a causative link much more probable.”

“All congenital abnormalities would be less likely to be discovered in early pregnancy” Guillebaud continued, “since testing for these would have little relevance if no action by induced abortion could be taken.”"


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> ... It’s called perinatal hospice ...

And having an abortion be available is in no way a conflict with that option, if that's the way you want to go.

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> They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas.

FFS. That was staring me in the face all day yesterday, and I didn't pick up on it. 🤦‍♂️

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Tut tut Robyn, you fail to understand the fundy mindset. The reason you wait until the babbies is borned is that you don't want to preclude some last-minute miracle where everything is rainbows and sunny skies and those stinky old "doctors" and their "medicine" get shown who's boss.

And if that doesn't play out then either someone didn't pray hard enough or hate enough gheys.

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Look, we could abort the pregnancy or allow it to come to term and let the baby suffer a brief life of extreme pain and suffering.

The republican way has the same end result but with more needless suffering. The cruelty is the point.

Also, costing a shit ton more money that could be used to treat babies whose life expectancy isn’t measured in weeks.

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As someone who has worked hospice and palliative care for 20+ years, the bit about perinatal hospice/palliative care is just cruelty. For one thing, most hospice nurses (who do the majority of care) do NOT want to do babies. Pediatric hospice is something that is often not available in the community. While there probably are pediatric palliative care, it would most likely be hospital-based, which is of use at the end, but before? Don't know. Also, burnout in this field is high already - I doubt many could tolerate having to provide this care to someone who just wants to let this unviable pregnancy go for long. The moral distress* would be unbearable

These fuckwads twist and mangle things that are good to fit their agenda.

*“Moral distress” is a term coined in 1984 by philosopher Andrew Jameton to describe the suffering nurses experience when institutional or systemic barriers prevent them from acting with integrity, particularly when it comes to fundamental moral principles and ethical responsibilities." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-the-wild-things-are/202103/powerlessness-you-feel-is-called-moral-distress

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This is truly depressing, and completely foreseeable to those who pay any attention.

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"That being said, if that is what people want and they can afford it, they should absolutely do that. Everyone should do what’s right for them, because this is an extremely personal decision."


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Since the Jan. 6th insurrection was not successful, these people have moved their efforts to the State level Divide and conquer!

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If today's SCOTUS had been in place in 1860, the Civil War could have been avoided. They would have opined that slavery should be decided by the States,. Really all that the Confederate states wanted. Saying that abortion laws should be determined by the individuals states is equally absurd.. While Putin is busy reconstructing the USSR and consolidating power, the GOP is busy breaking the USA up into 50 little countries. NO collusion?

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Y’know, life is inherently tough and filled with suffering. These shitheads are not helping.

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