The third rail is where the NYC subway trains get their power.

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Good for Gonzalez standing up for his constituents. Maybe some day it will do some good, but I doubt it.

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America, you are fucked.

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Cuz ghey.

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When it becomes standard Republican policy to spit in the faces of mass shooting survivors and victims' families, the Texas Republican Party will be right there, censuring Republicans who don't chew tobacco that's strong enough before spitting.

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Heretics are always hated more than nonbelievers.

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Don’t forget Liz Cheney, who is about as rightwing as anyone could imagine but was kicked out of the Wyoming GOP because she thought the Constitution was more important than the bowing down to the PAB.

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What about the five that voted not to censure? Don't they all get censure votes now? C'mon people, keep that MAGA ball rolling!

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That's how all subways in the US work. But NYC's third rail, actually the trolley rail has a wooden cover & they have paddles that ride the rail.In Chicago our trolley rail is in the open & requires sleet scrapers in the winter to keep it clean of ice. I've read of drunks pissing on it & getting a real jot of 600V DC back through the stream!

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How dare they. Shovels are only for the noblest of warriors.


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Texas Repubes showing their Big Tent energy.Narrator: They have Tiny Little Tent energy.

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Yes, but they're Republicans. Do they even know that 57 to five is more than 3/5?

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Our little Republican here obviously doesn't understand that loyalty is like pregnancy. There's no way to have just a little bit of it.

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MAGA women on the market again. It's a great time to be a MAGA man.

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I was so owned last week that the Thirteenth Amendment kicked in.

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The first fifteen minutes, tops, was devoted to business. The other forty-five was used to plan the upcoming weekly coke orgy.

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