As a compare and contrast, I'd be interested in hearing about any gender wage issues in European countries and when/how they have been addressed.

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Ta, Erik. We're still waiting, still fighting, and someday we shall make it so.

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Did not see photo credit.

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I feel fortunate that I worked in an industry where everyone was paid the same regardless of gender. We were always equal in pay, if not treatment. I tried to change the culture when I climbed a rung or two up the ladder, but I'd get grief for treating the women better than the men, because equal treatment is unfair to the men who need the job to take care of their family, as opposed to the women who ???

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A friend of mine who is a senior engineer at a Major Tech company came out (is that the proper term?) as a trans woman some eight or ten years ago. When she first discussed it with her team, one of the cis woman engineers asked her if she was ready for the 15% salary cut.

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I remember looking for my first job as a 16 year old and the listings in the newspaper were still labeled "Help wanted--Female" and "Help wanted--Male".

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Still exists they just don't say it out loud.

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I like this! Very much!

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It is VERY good!

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A yees!

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My old boss (since retired; I'm still with the company) once told me she always hired women because "they're better at their jobs and you don't have to pay them as much." I asked her how no one had sued and she was like "prove it."

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An owner of a company told me he paid them just enough to keep them coming back but not enough for them to leave. If he paid them where they were slightly struggling they were less likely to leave out of fear. As long as corporate america controls health insurance many will not leave as comfortably as those who could afford to pay their own with universal healthcare. The more options we have the less control corporate america has over us.

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Ah, the days before recording devices in smart phones....

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In the header pic, five of the women appear to be smoking. How risqué.

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It was weird growing up in the '60s and '70s because my dad was about the only person in any social gathering not smoking.

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smoke 'em if you got 'em

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I'm old enough to remember smoking in the workplace. Folks with overflowing ashtrays on their desks, the lingering odor of stale tobacco permeating the furniture, smoke in the air...

Good times!

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plaid beanbag brass ashtrays.

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Jeez, we ALL smoked in the '60s and early 70s....

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Equal pay, at least by law, will probably be a target after the GOP starts ripping apart no-fault divorce given Dobbs and laws like those in Texas are already ending up in court because men are using them -- shocker, I know -- to control their spouses and exes.

These numpties are going to try and force this country through a theocracy experiment, but price of Big Mac not drop.

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Yep. Already have a few blocked on twitter who took offense of my statement that if a couple wants to get divorced the reason is nobody's business.

Their excuses were flimsy and showed that the only purpose was to make women chattel.

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I literally cannot think of a scenario where a divorce is anyone else's business except I guess for the children of the divorcers (divorcees?). And the jury is still *very* much out on whether parents staying together for the kids is better or worse for said kids overall.

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I think studies show that divorce can be worse for the kids only because they can end up in poverty. But that's the shittiness of sexism, single mothers and deadbeat dads, not the divorce itself.

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Some days are "despair" days for me. Today is one of those days.

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I think we all have those and maybe it's time for you to step away until the sky clears.

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I am very sorry to read this. May tomorrow be brighter.

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They'll probably do it by appointing a lot more judges who will interpret the law to allow more discrimination. The law won't mean much anymore if it's not being enforced.

Republicans learned that they don't need to pass or repeal laws, they just have to control the machinery.

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This was the big tactical mistake Democrats made in the 80s (and going forward). They ignored the judiciary and local elections far too long.

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What do they call it when female GOP Senators and Representatives in Congress, who get paid the same amount as their male counterparts, vote against proposed laws that would promote equal pay?

Let's ask Katie Britt, or The Senior Senator of Concern.

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People can rationalize anything. "Of course I'm for equal pay! But that is already the law, and women do receive equal pay when you compare comparable jobs. If you could get away with hiring women to do the same work for less money, employers would just hire women, wouldn't they?" (Applause)

And that sums up nearly half of women voters.

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I've got mine, fuck you?

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One problem with the fight for equal pay is that it is competing with so many other fronts on the fight for gender equality. To wit:

"Former president Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver a virtual address Monday at an event sponsored by the Danbury Institute, a coalition of Christian groups opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. President Biden’s campaign is seeking to highlight Trump’s decision to speak to the coalition, which has called abortion “child sacrifice.” A Trump spokeswoman said Trump’s decision reflects his commitment to speak to groups with “diverse opinions.”"


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Isn't there a federal "guest" facility in Danbury. Perhaps he fears he might be lonely there, and some locals who visit just for "good works" may come in handy.

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You know, I love, I love to hear- lots of, there's a lotta opinions out there, there really are, and I love, I love to hear nearly almost all of them. Some people, you know, they think they tell me "sir, you're a terrific guy, really, and the best President" and then there's some other people who say "sir, you're the best President and a really terrific guy" and there's some, and they say "sir, you're" and I shouldn't say this, maybe, but I will say this, but I will say this they say "sir, you're so sexy", it's true. It's true. So I like to hear all opinions, because there's and I believe this- there's a marketplace, and it's an ideas. And you go there and you get a great deal on some ideas, I get some great ones there myself, like what if we... what if there were no, if you couldn't say bad things about me? That's a great idea, I bought that one and bought it very strongly.

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With your own money?

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PS: When's he speaking to Planned Parenthood?

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I can't even call what he does "speaking" anymore. He's degenerated into his own patois (and I'm not libeling patois).

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the twelfth of NEVER.

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Maybe he'll get it confused with his pre-sentencing hearing!

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Only another 29 years, at this rate, before the gender pay gap closes in the UK.

That's nice.


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The FACT of the matter is that the United States would be a helluva lot better off economically, diplomatically, socially, and politically if WOMEN held the reigns of power in this republic.

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It's striking to look at the results in Mexico where they have a quota for women in government. Suddenly, the top 2 candidates for president were women. And presto - Mexico's first female president.

Not that Mexico doesn't have problems, but DANG, viva mexico!

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Amen sistuh!!!

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hear hear!

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I’m an old guy with a bumper sticker on the back of my vehicle that simply says “Elect Women”. I like to think that it at least raises a few eyebrows.

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Marsha Blackburn, Sixby Tantrum Greene, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Virginia Foxx, Kay Ivey, Kim Reynolds, Kristi Noem, Susan Collins, and Sarah Sanders say "hey".

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Democratic women would be best.

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Yes, mistress.

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Excluding the Kristi Noems, Sara Palins and Sara Huckabees of the the world....

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I need to appropriately clarify that assertion that such leadership would inevitably be of the Democratic variety.

Preferably along the lines of the democratic socialism that I embrace.

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hear hear!

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I agree wholeheartedly

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If the Paycheck Fairness Act was passed there would be a lot of mad men.

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You are correct. This is why we cannot have it.

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Yet another reason to organize... Collective bargaining is a big, useful tool

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