Ta, Erik. I always learn something from your labor histories. My Union is great for most of its members (LPNs, home health attendants, etc.) but we're in the pharmacists' CBO, and ain't none of us a pharmacist. At least I got to fulfill my dream of being a Union Maid. Solidarity forever.

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And where's the "NATIONAL FUCKWEASEL EMPLOYERS AND CORPORATION BOARD" to, you know, rein in the fuckweasel employers and corporations???

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The 70s. when FDJT was hiring undocumented workers from Poland to work on his manly parts substitute in Manhattan.

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And we all lived happily ever after? I dunno, I skipped the last couple of paragraphs

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OT: from "Southern Jewish Life", "When NIL deals were approved for college athletes, did anyone anticipate that Manischewitz would be getting involved, especially with an athlete from Brigham Young University?"

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Donnie’s mass deportation empty threats are a win-win for employers of illegal immigrants. He won’t actually mass deport the “good ones” i.e. the ones who work like hell and don’t complain, but the boss can always use the threat to keep wages down and unions out. So much populism!

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Hey, union workers who voted for TFA? Guess what happens next.

Steel Workers already figured it out.


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Yeah he lied. That's what he does.

Hes also sold out his Cologne. Tough day for magas...

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That leopard? Nah, he's friendly.

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Need some ketchup for that face?

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Employers of undocumented workers never paying a price for employing them is a feature, not a bug. They absolutely should be fined and jailed for employing undocumented workers if said workers are deported. And they should be fined and jailed for exploiting the undocumented workers.

My new SIL is a legal immigrant, married to an American citizen, but I fear that she can be a target of trump and his goons.

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It's systemic victim abuse. Capitalism requires exploitation to succeed but we have to keep kissing the asses of the "job creators," so it's the problem of the desperate immigrant workers instead of the rich people who profit from their labor.

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If anyone is wondering about Luigi Mangione's political leanings, look at the number of conservatives who believe that violence is often justified when other solutions fail.

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Not that this is definitive, but one of his cousins -- ?Antonino? Mangione -- is a MD state legislator. Conservative, which is less-common in MD. (You can read about him, and his skeevy free contributions from the radio station his family owns, in wikicrapia.)

The family is wealthy, and Luigi went to a very posh, old-money Balto school, Gilman. Again, not definitive. Just some info.

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I wouldn't be surprised to learn the CEO paid for his own hit so his family could keep his ill-gotten gains.

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People bought the coat he wore. Stores sold out.


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I have a Mr Bin Laden on line one . . .

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From the new piece by Sarah Kendzior

I am haunted by the documentary’s look at money and abandonment. How money is not only a means of survival, but a token mistaken for love. How the digital era encourages people to quantify every like and follow and let data subsume the soul.

How an unexpected large bill is a real expression of hate: the swift plunge into deprivation, the cold slap of corporate cruelty. There is no reason necessities like healthcare should bankrupt anyone: it is sadism posing as bureaucracy. This is why Americans do not mourn a slain insurance CEO but instead mourn the families his company robbed of life and dignity.


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Mark my words: "Concepts of a plan" to address health care will include health care savings accounts (bullshit) and JD Vance's idea of separate risk pools for higher risk individuals (also bullshit).

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I hate those fucking FSAs - such a scam. I completely opted out.

You pay in all year and if you don't use it ... it's gone.

HSAs are also bullshit, but not *quite* as bad.

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The pain and suffering of human beings should NOT be a for-profit industry. I am hard pressed to come up with anything more singularly sadistic than that concept.

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I wonder when enough of the US populace is going to finally realize that there is another way that will benefit them all. Why is Universal Healthcare so scary?

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Ask your grandparents, they'll tell you it is communism or socialism. Of course they probably had insurance through their jobs, which is different.

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my grandparents were british so knew a time before the NHS. They were proud Labour voters all their lives. They actually knew what socialism meant

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Racism. They don't want to share the benefits. Other countries don't seem to mind.

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Because conservative media has lied about it for decades, and many (if not most) people are fucking morons.

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It's so goddamned depressing that America never learns.

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Too damned many Americans are selfish, complacent assholes who want all of the benefits without bothering to think about who makes all of that happen.

You will sure as hell never see any of THEM in the fields on a hot summer day harvesting vegetables by hand.

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OT but a great way to support Ukrainian businesses


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Wait, Caeser Chavez advocated for deportation of undocumented workers? I think of myself as reasonably well-read and informed, but I didn't know that. There is so much I don't know!

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The use of undocumented workers serves as a very effective cudgel to beat down wages and conditions for everyone else working in those sectors.

Similarly, many unions advocate to prevent universal single payer healthcare coverage, because it erodes the allure of a union job.

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A union's job is to protect its members, not look out for society as a whole.

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Yes, that is how they see it. That's the gap the Ownership Class has used to discredit them and diminish their position in the US, also. Just as the Executive Class sees their job as transferring wealth to shareholders, and not looking out for society as a whole.

I understand that reasoning.

I do wonder, however; whose job is it to look out for society as a whole? To say "Government" is to ignore who owes their income to whom.

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A footnote:

Here in the Glorious Ninth, a lawyer who assists an employer-client in attempting to deport undocumented workers who bring wage claims can be personally sued for retaliation under the FLSA.

Arias v. Raimondo


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This is what pisses me off the most, we elect congresscritters to fix this shit. They get into office then fold like a cheap chair and voila, same old shit!

"Compromise" is taboo thanks to Gingrachmotherfucker, so here we are, fucked, still...

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