The Big Burden of PBS
NY Times: In the floor debate, some Republicans continued to call for a trimmed-down public broadcasting budget. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite, Republican of Florida, said "Americans should be shocked" by how profitable the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is through its marketing of popular programs. A sign propped at Ms. Brown-Waite's side said, "Big Bird is a Billionaire."
We don't know if Big Bird really passes the Trump test or not, but is calling attention to his vast wealth the best way to discourage government handouts? We thought Republicans love giving subsidies to billionaires. As far as we're concerned, though, we're happy to pledge $2 or so of our annual IRS bill to help fund grassroots programming like The Journal Editorial Report or Wall Street Week with Fortune (RIP), and if PBS could promise at least one controversy a year involving irate Christians and lesbian-crazed bunnies, we'd fork over as much $5, probably. On the other hand, if the feds got out of the cooking show business entirely, we could save $2, and encourage ideological truffle pigs to sniff out comparatively under-targeted sources of liberal bias, like public restroom graffitti which, despite the fact that public restrooms are supposed to serve us all, overwhelmingly promotes a liberal, permissive, anti-traditional values agenda.
Related: Is Big Bird a Nazi ?
Public Broadcasting Chief Is Named [NY Times]
Big Bird [Blank of the Day]
No Muppet Left Behind [Reason]