The Devil Can Legally Turn You Into 'The Little Mermaid' On Halloween, Says 'Former Satanist'
Also this is your open thread!
I don't know if you are all aware of this, but it is still Halloween. When Halloween is in the middle of the week, both Halloween-adjacent weekends are also Halloween. You don't have to dress up, but you can if you want, or you can adopt a casual Halloween lewk and just wear regular clothes you have that still kind of look like a costume of some kind (as I did last night with my TARDIS dress and blue lipstick). I don't make the rules! (OK fine they are my rules, but we should all abide by them)
Anyway, because it is still legally Halloween, I thought we'd have a nice Halloween-themed open thread and meet this ridiculous guy I found on YouTube who claims to be a former Satanist . His name is John Ramirez and he's found Jesus now, natch, but previously he was a Satanist who did all of the terrible things that Good Christians who know literally nothing about actual Satanism believe Satanists do.
Like other "former Satanists" and "former witches," Ramirez is full of warnings for his new Christian comrades about the many ways they are secretly being Satanists and doing witchcraft themselves without even knowing it. One of those ways, of course, is by celebrating Halloween.
Let's learn!
Former Satanist Warns Christians about Celebrating Halloween
In this video, Ramirez explains all about his past as a devil worshiping Satanist who had a demonic wedding on Halloween (the devil's holiday!), complete with animal sacrifices and blood sacrifices!
He then claims that when you dress up for Halloween, whether it's as an angel, The Little Mermaid or Casper the Friendly Ghost, "you give the devil the legal rights to change your identity," which actually sounds pretty awesome. If Satan wanted to turn me into the TARDIS, I don't think I'd mind much! I mean, I've always wanted to travel more.
He also explains that Halloween candy is also demonic, because the demonic people have prayed over the candy to make it demonic. I'm not sure if this happens in the factory or if the demonic people just swing by the CVS candy aisle and do their rituals there. If so, I have never noticed.
Halloween stores? Totally demonic, and they pay $30,000 a month to rent the store space and then don't turn a profit, and the reason they do this is so they can do demonic prayers on all the costumes, which then turn the children into demons. This is all very definitely real and true, and this guy is totally legit. Clearly. He definitely worshiped Satan, for real, and there is no way this is just some weird gimmick he thought up.
Anyway, I hope you all had a Happy Halloween Week Plus An Additional Weekend! This is now your open thread! Please to share many pictures of your pets in costumes.
[ YouTube ]
"Yeah, it's getting ridiculous around here. I usually am rah-rah for progressive IDEAS, but I get sick of progressives themselves about halfway through the election cycle. How did Hillary get such support around here last time?"
Lulz...I'm feeling the exact same way. I really need to stop hanging out here as much as I do, because it's like watching a bunch of kids talk about who's going to get the prettiest unicorn for their birthday. It's making my blood pressure rise, because it's like watching delusional Republicans who think everyone shares their ideas, when the majority of people don't want either far right, or far left ideas. Ironically, I personally am in favor of almost all left wing ideas, but I realize the chance that they're going to get passed in my lifetime is slim to none, particularly if we keep losing. I'm sure M4A will eventually pass, but I don't think it will be within the next 20 years.
I had someone ragging on me today, because unless we elect Elizabeth Warren, she won't get her college debt wiped out. That's not going to happen even if Bernie somehow miraculously manages to win the Dem primary AND the general election. It's NEVER going to pass Congress. It might pass in 30 or 40 years, but it's never going to make it through the Senate as long as Republicans are in power, and I don't see them losing the Senate, even if Trump loses.
I THINK Clinton got so much support here because she was the first woman who had a real shot at winning, even though she was not a progressive candidate. Remember when everybody here LOVED Joe Biden? I've never really liked him, but right now I think he's our best chance of beating Trump, so I'll support him like my life depends on it! I also like Klobuchar, and Buttigeig. I liked Harris, until she was dumb enough to bring up busing. Normally, I don't think "who's the most bland person we've got who won't scare anyone off?"However, I think this election is so important, we need to put everything else aside, and figure out how to actually win. I keep hearing that white, suburban women in the Midwest are going to decide this race, so we should be pandering to them like crazy.
There are a few other posters like us here, who are mature enough to realize you're better off stopping Trump, and getting part of what you want, rather than trying to pass a huge "socialist" agenda, that most Americans really aren't interested in. The GOP plans on painting all of our candidates as far left socialists, but Bernie and Warren are making it much easier for Republicans to push that narrative.
I live in Charleston, SC, but my best friend lives in SoCal (West Hollywood). I do want to go see him some time in the near future, so next time I plan on visiting him, I will let you know, and we can get together. That would be fun.
Yeah, it's getting ridiculous around here. I usually am rah-rah for progressive IDEAS, but I get sick of progressives themselves about halfway through the election cycle. How did Hillary get such support around here last time? She was certainly not a progressive candidate, yet she was the very best choice for president because she fucking well KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING. Yet the candidates who share that trait with her get pooh-poohed and told to drop out. It's a perfect snapshot of what's wrong with so much of the electorate in this country - it's all about what THEY want and not about what can actually happen or get done. If by some bizarre miracle a progressive candidate were to get elected, the shrieking when NONE of that candidate's proposals comes to pass would be deafening, but nobody would be willing to admit that it was all castles in the sky to begin with! I'm getting seriously fed up with it, which is why I'm not commenting anywhere near as much as I used to, and why I'm sticking pretty much to the open thread these days. This childish circle-jerking is just making me tired, frankly.
Also, this: whereas primaries favored candidates who had the wherewithal to promote themselves reminds me so much of Douglas Adams's powerful maxim, "anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” Emphasis on "getting themselves". Candidates who boast about bucking the system and not needing help from the "establishment" (as we used to say back in my day) are basically saying that their help is coming from people who don't have a clue how the system actually works, and that is really fucking dangerous. There's a reason populists usually turn out to be nightmares, after all.
As the race is shaping up, I'm thinking Klobuchar is my favorite. She's level-headed, she knows how to listen to people, she doesn't take shit from progressive asshats (I LOVED that she hit back at Liz for that billionaires insult last debate), and she has the ear of folks that we NEED in order to win. I'm hoping she sticks with it, because we're still a year out and it's anyone's game. Obama wasn't a serious contender a year out, and look where he ended up!
Let me ask you, honey, where are you? I mean in the world. Are you in SoCal? Because I'd love to hang out with you if you are. I think it'd be fun to kick back and do some in-person bitching about all this nonsense! :D