The 'God's Not Dead' People Made A Movie About Abortion, And Boy Is It Ever Full Of Lies.
In no way should this surprise you.
The producers of your favorite live-action Jack Chick pamphlet, "God's Not Dead" -- you know, the one where the Hercules dude plays an evil philosophy professor who tells all of his students on the first day that they are no longer allowed to believe in god? As all secular professors do? -- have come out with a thrilling new movie, all about how abortion is bad or whatever.
The movie tells the "true" story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic worker turned professional anti-choicer. Johnson has been a darling of the forced birth circuit ever since she made up ridiculous and provably false reasons for quitting the Planned Parenthood that was about to fire her for being bad at her job.
Basically, she claims that Planned Parenthood was pushing her to make more abortions happen so they could reel in more dough, and also that she witnessed (for the first time ever!) an ultrasound-guided abortion and saw the baby move from the light and then immediately realized that what she was doing was wrong.
The thing is, however -- no ultrasound-guided abortions were performed on the day she said it happened, and the only reason there was an uptick in abortions at her clinic was because they started offering the abortion pill on a daily basis (and had previously only been performing surgical abortions every other Saturday).
As you may have guessed, the movie does not address any of these things. It also looks very, very bad.
Unplanned Official Trailer - In Theaters March 29
Gotta love how the Guy Fieri-looking douchebag screaming "No matter what you do for the rest of your life, you'll still be a BABY KILLER!" is portrayed as a good guy here. In real life, Johnson also lied about having never gotten death threats from anti-choicers. There is documented evidence that she did.
The Evil Planned Parenthood lady in the movie is played by Robia Scott -- whom we once knew as Robia LaMorte, back when she was playing Jenny Calendar (aka Janna of the Kalderash) on Buffy . WHAT ARE YOU DOING, JENNY CALENDAR?

There are not a lot of good Jenny Calendar GIFs, ok?
Looks like Giles dodged a bullet there, TBH.
Anyway! This is now your open thread! Talk amongst yourselves!
[ Friendly Atheist ]
Shitty something, IYNWIMAITYD, if they are afraid that the driving of a car will do it better than them.
Sorry I took so long ta see this! Yeah, we all have ah own language up theah, don't we? Stephen King is THE BALLS, too! Nice talking' witcha!