You deserve to be ostracized for voting for a psychopathic convicted criminal! You can redeem yourself I 2 years by voting Blue up and down your ballot! No whining please!

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You define social power in sociopathic terms - as power to abuse, dominate or intimidate other ppl; that's a kind of baboon power right there; real social power is being a person that others can trust, want to be around etc; that's a healthy definition; the one you've used is instructive of how some ppl view or use SP, hence allows you to make a powerful point, but ppl who cute or use SP like that are not ppl you ought want to be friends with anyway - they're sick!

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Trumpers can be ostracized for the next four years while the maniac they elected attempts to destroy America with his best friend Putin.

The consequences of your actions will be to be rejected by polite society. You should all be so proud you fools elected a traitor…

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There are entire swaths of my family I don’t speak to because they are Trumpists. One cousin in particular is very nice but he believed all that right wing nonsense even before Trump was elected the first time. I just have nothing to say to people who would vote for Trump. We have nothing in common. As for Bill Maher, what a bore!

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Wow, taking about being part of a cult. Jim Jones, Heaven's gate, etc, did the same thing to their followers. Brainwashed them into thinking their families were the problem. It's a control thing. And unfortunately it's hard to get the brainwashed to understand that they have been brainwashed. You can try and show them the facts. But they're not going to listen. You knew the cheese was slipping off the cracker when they started tell you that men can get pregnant and have periods. Just follow the science they say. Not sure what science that would be, I guess it must work in another dimension.

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A letter writer to the Washington Post says we all need to understand each other. He's been torn to shreds by commenting sharks, and it's well deserved.

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If the Democrats elected a President with Trump's record, the howling would be heard at the North Pole.

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Bill Maher is such a clown.

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They think they can do whatever they want because liberals are all about “tolerance” and the liberals will forgive and accept them no matter what. Despite them hating us. Sorry actions have consequences and the tolerant aren’t tolerating you anymore.

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Oh, how incredibly sad that Autumn's mommy and grandma won't talk to her. Maybe it has something to do with how happy she is that she helped put a rapist and credibly accused (with corroborating witness) child rapist back in office to sign off on a national abortion ban and possibly institute the U.S.A.'s first dictator. I hope she drowns in her tears and never posts another shit-sucking piece of brain vomit again. Fucking fascist.

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Polite society has no place for the many Republicans who posted themselves posing with a professionally made F**K KAMALA banner. Unless it was done ironically in an I'd f**k her kind of way. That's a compliment in Bro speak.

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I've got two brothers and a sister, who voted for Dump. I don't care if I ever have contact with them again. I guess I'm a bad liberal.

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I'm one of five kids. The oldest of my brothers and my mom both voted for the Orange Pustule. Mom, whose senility becomes daily more apparent, thinks Drumpf was chosen by gawd, but Bro looked at the options and chose that freakshow with his eyes open.

We (the other four, who are all libruls) suspect that Bro, who is politically connected in GOPer circles, is on a "we should hire these guys" spreadsheet put together by the Project 2025 shitheels.

We have discussed what to do if that turns out to be true, and going no-contact has been the least aggressive of the suggested responses.

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I think we're gonna have to make a distinction between MAGA and "voted for Trump" going forward. Unless we want to be a permanent minority.

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It's harder for them to get any sympathy this time - because they all KNOW what they voted for, and said "yes, this is for me. This is what I support." And now they want rational peaceful people to be friends with their White Supremacist, misogynist, Ukraine-abandoning, deportation-loving, asshole-affirming selves??? Really??? What's there to like? What principals could I share with them? What world-view? When my daughter's dear Trans friend can't 'get basic healthcare, will they sympathize with our worry for them? When Ukraine falls, will they call for a toast? When the deportations begin steamrolling innocent human beings, will they make jokes? No thanks. They voted themselves off Decency Island.

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Well, now they get to be even bigger assholes and we will love and obey them and call them George. Or we will pay the price. It's the fascist way.

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I tried to keep politics out of the conversation with an old friend. She was once liberal then moved to Texas, got a gun, and became a trump voter. That was in 2016. But after 1/6 she said that it was planned and supported by the FBI. I called her a Q and haven’t talked to her since. It took me a long time to learn that having toxic relationships will just add to stress and anxiety. So since 2020 I have cut every single MAGA out of my life. Not that there were many to begin with since most of my friends are from the northeast and wouldn’t even contemplate voting for trump or any other republican.

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My wife, after hearing her father tell her, in person and to her face, that *she*, like all Democrats, should be tried for treason, she cut him off completely. (As did her brother, and our daughter, his grandchild.) She sent him one e-mail telling him if she heard anything from him that wasn't "I'm so sorry..." it was over forever. He replied by sending her a Q-Anon video.

That illustrates a point here: the MAGAs will accept nothing but total capitulation, and they will whine like babies if they don't get it.

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