"Thursdays" with Tina: Condi Delayed Us Edition
This is why no magazine editors ever call me, isn't it?
TinaSpeakWhat it meansRidicule requires a tiny touch of lightheartedness. . . . Real pain requires silence.I cannot take my own advice. Also: I save the aphorisms from fortune cookies.[T]here's a thirst for data-rich, deeply sourced revelation.This is something my editor keeps saying. I thought I'd write it down at some point. Hughes has barnstormed the talk shows in her purpose-built pantsuit . . .I am not allowed to write that Hughes looks like a man.It's a weird paradox that at the moment when the Bush government machine seems to have careened out of control . . . the Bush fundraising/attack machine has never been more disciplined.I am not totally clear on the meaning of paradox. Also: Mmmmm. . . disciplined.[T]he campaign is systematically carpet-bombing John Kerry with a devastatingly effective comic ad about gasoline prices.Things are funny when they're all old-timey and in fast-motion. Even funnier? Carpet-bombing.Look for Hughes to be joined on the road soon by a conservative with teeth -- Cheney's former attack poodle Mary Matalin. . .I am scared of poodles.
Reporters were stonewalled for so long by the White House and spun so skillfully by Hughes that a tsunami of pent-up journalistic energy built up, and now it's breaking at just the wrong time for the Bush reelection plans.Note to editor: People wanting "data-rich, deeply sourced revelation" -- that's like that book in the Bible, right? I skimmed it while hailing a cab and tried to work it in here. OK?Talk show producers I speak to are on steroids waiting for Woodward.My knowledge of what being a talk show producer entails is based on the success of my show, "Topic A with Tina Brown." Steriods are involved, right?They have always just heard from a D.C. insider who had lunch last week with a friend who ran into Woodward at the pharmacy/ grocery store/Blockbuster and reported breathlessly that "he didn't want to say anything but I hear it's going to blow the lid off all the stuff about why we really went into Iraq/who's really making the decisions/what Powell really believes/what the real hold is that Cheney has over Bush/what Condi will never say to the 9/11 commission."Editor? I lost you up at the Revelations thing, I guess. . .The Democrats were kidding themselves that if Kerry got elected he would have the luxury of coming in and solving the Iraq mess with some nuanced international whatever.Note to editor: If you're not going finish your work, why should I finish this sentence?It remains to be seen if Bush followers from the city of Trump are ready to join Democrats and tell the commander in chief, "You're fired."I understand that this is a hot catch-phrase right now.
Cranking Up The Volumes On George Bush