To Do: Interesting for DC
* Jim Lehrer talks about his novelThe Phony Marineat Politics & Prose. "Lehrer, himself a former Marine, perfectly captures the importance of presentation, or impersonation, in this Washington-based novel." [ P&P ]
* Sentai, Shift and Don Zientara at the Black Cat, whoever they are. $8 at 9PM [ Black Cat ]
* 1978'sAmerican Hot Waxat The Mary Pickford Theater. "The story of famed Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed, who introduced the music genre called 'rock'n'roll' to teenage American radio audiences in the 1950's. Freed was a source of great controversy: criticized by conservatives for corrupting youth with the 'devil's music,' hated by racists for promoting African American music for white consumption, persecuted by law enforcement officials, and finally brought down by the 'payola' scandals." Plus Jay Leno. Free at 7PM. [ LOC ]