Tom Hanks Is The New Washington
*Heard on the Hill: Charlie Wilson'sangels get together forCharlie Wilson's War...Sen. Jim DeMintplays the Grinch...Mad DC Cabbie is a fan ofSen. Richard Selby. [ Roll Call ]
*Reliable Source: The French Ambassador and his wife just got a lot less separated. [WP ]
*Yeas and Nays: Candidates answers on global warming...Spend your New Years at the Hotel Washington, which is closing its door after the ball drops...Heritage Foundation building a super secret "Facebook Social Security Calculator." [Examiner ]
*In the Know: House Judiciary Committee ChairmanJohn Conyers Jr.accidentally voted no on theCharlie W. Norwoodorgan donation act...Jewish lawmakers divided about giving gifts for Hanukkah...Todd Zwillichcaused a national security crisis...Mia Farrowprotesting at the Chinese Embassy...Jeff Gannonassures us that he's reasonable...Rep. Jim McCrerychats about his old bookie friend. [ The Hill ]
*Shenanigans: Rudy Giulianidoesn't want to talk about his shady dealings with "Kat-ar." [ Politico ]
*Page Six: MSNBC pundit andBig LoveactorLawrence O'Donnellknows a thing or two about Mormons. [ NYP ]
*Rush & Molloy: Madonnatrying to fight theOprahbump by throwing her support behindHillary. [ NYDN ]