Which Senator Is Complete Dumbass Who Can't Stop Defending White Nationalists? IT'S TUBS!
Yes, again.
This goddamned hayseed just cannot stop himself. Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, a Republican duh, is just going to keep defending white nationalists, we're all going to make the shocked face, and he's going to pretend he thinks a white nationalist is just a white person who loves their "national." And then he's going to pretend that white nationalists are simply people who oppose the literal genocide of white people . But if they're racist, he condemns that, you betcha boy howdy he reckons!
Tommy Tuberville Was For White Nationalists In The Military Before He Oh Wait He Still Is!
Last night he was talking to CNN's Kaitlan Collins about the exact same thing he's been talking to everyone about, white nationalists in the military, and also his absurd ridiculous anti-American pigfucker decision to hold up all of Joe Biden's military appointments because WAAAAAAAH THE REDNECK FUCKBABY IS UPSET ABOUT ABORTION. Yep, that's still going on. This piece of shit is willing to play with our national security like a chew toy, because he's having a conservative white fascist Christian temper tantrum about abortion policy in the military.
Watch the ballroom dance Tuberville does with his burning cross:
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"You agree that white nationalists should not be serving in the US military," Kaitlan Collins tried to confirm.
"If people think that a white nationalist is a racist, I would agree with that," he said. Collins said yes, that's what a white nationalist is, somebody who believes the white race is superior.
"Well, that's some people's opinion ," said Tubs, a stupid fucking moron.
No it's not an opinion , said Collins. "Pardon?" said the hick.
"My opinion of a white nationalist, if somebody wants to call 'em a white nationalist, to me, is an AMERICAN! It's an AMERICAN! Now, if that white nationalist is a racist, I am totally against anything that they want to do, because I am 110 percent against racism," Tuberville babbled and babbled his dumbfuck babble words, pretending that it's just your opinion that all white nationalists are racists. He just wants Americans who will fight in the military, and he is totally against this "identity politics" that is making us call people mean names like "white nationalist."
"I think Democrats should be ashamed for how they're doin' this, because it's dividin' this country, and it's makin' this country weaker every day!"
Collins kept trying.
"That's not identity politics," she said. "It is identity politics!" he replied, giggling like an extra on "Hee Haw" who's just happy to be there. He insisted that "white nationalist" is just a name-callin' words, and then, for no reason that would make sense to any correctly functioning human brain, said, "So if you're gonna do away with most white people in this country outta the military we got huge problems!"
Tubs said white nationalists are people who have "a few probably different beliefs." But if one of 'em is racism, he's AGIN' IT!
Sure, pigfuck.
What a worthless conversation with an absolute worthless human being.
If you want to watch all of it, where Tubs tries to claim there is "nobody more military" than he is (he never served) and that he is holding up military promotions because that's the only recourse a poor lonely white fascist piece of shit senator in the minority has to "GET 'EM TO DO IT DA RIGHT WAY" — you know, because this halfwit thinks he sets abortion policy for the fucking Pentagon — Collins tweeted it:
— (@)
And here's a name you might recognize from the first Trump impeachment, calling Tubs what he is:
— (@)
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