
"People were amazed it lasted as long as it did." Your popularity? Yeah, we're amazed too...

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Trump is wearing his patented scowl on the Time cover, he thinks it makes him look tough. He wears it all the time now.

He says in the interview women's pregnancies should be monitored, among other horrifying things.

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Well, it's over to you to turn out in every election, whether you think the D candidate has a chance or not. Use the last shred of your democracy while you have it.

If you don't, this is your future. This and worse, because when Trump "accidentally" slips in the bath or dies of "exhaustion" the next dictator will simply take power then the next and the next.

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Donald Trump is no longer merely a criminal defendant. He is a criminal, having been convicted beyond a reasonable doubt of nine counts of criminal contempt.

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Say it again

Say it louder

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The very first line of the TIME interview scared me:

“Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice.”

If the horrible and terrifying shit that happened in his first term is what he defines as being “too nice”, I don’t want to know what a second term has in store for us.

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Also a bucket of cold water over the head of whatever slavering ratings-chasing moron wrote that

And another for all the editors who let it stay in there

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Yep. They're all prostitutes.

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Ta, Robyn. Protect pregnant people ... from Republican politicians.

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That was a really interesting case study in watching a psychopath trying to figure out what his audience wants to hear in real time

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He keeps saying" leave it to the states" like it is a magic spell.

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Because he's as stupid as he is vicious

That's a lot of both

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He has no fucking idea what the fuck he is talking about.

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But other than that...

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He’s used to taking to his cult and he knows exactly what they want to hear.

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Well, that is certainly uncivil.

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Accurate, though

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Within 2 months he will be calling for "Abortions for some. Tiny American flags for others and forever twirling towards freedom!"

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Beautifully written and scary as hell. Thank you, Robyn.

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May 1·edited May 1

“ Trump: I will be making a statement on that over the next 14 days. […] I actually think it’s a very important issue. “

I hope this reporter is in his face asking for that statement on May 14th.

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Like that has ever made a difference the 100,000,000 times it has happened before this one.

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“Because it’s so hard to cover Trump!!!” Yet they have no problem writing a million stories a week about Joe Biden being old.

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It'll probably work like Ah-nold running for Governor:

"What about your affair?"

"I'll explain after the election."

** after the election **

"That's ancient history!"

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Said this yesterday, but people need to start recognizing that for the fascist rhetorical tactic it is.

Fascists don't want us to remember what happened yesterday, last week, six months ago, 20 years ago, in the 1920s when the KKKlan matched down Fifth Avenue and a lot of so-called "mainstream" politicians thought it was totes fine to belong to it, or in 1493 when the Pope handed down the Discovery Doctrine that told the Europeans it was totally fine to become White people and start enslaving Black people and taking their stuff and murdering Native Americans and taking their stuff like they were entitled to it because they were White and had weapons and were willing to kill and enslave to take people's stuff.

Just like Krusti Noem wants people to forget she killed her goat and puppy 20 years or so ago -- or that the killing DOESN'T MATTER because it happened "so long ago".

They only want you focused on what's happening right now so nobody has any kind of contextual axis for judging their recent abuse and murder as heinous.


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As disgusted as I am, I don’t think trump understood any one of those questions.

Yes he’s corrupt.

Yes he’s evil.

But above all of that is the simple fact that he’s a fucking moron.

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Hard agree. On any given day it’s a race to see whether his evil or his utter imbecility will win out. Usually it’s the latter. And he surrounds himself with evil too. So not only is he stupid and evil to begin with but he picks up a greater saturation of evil as well, like a marinade. He's like a dark triad chicken teriyaki.

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I have said similar, but give the devil his due: the man has been doing crimes and betraying trust relationships his entire benighted life, The mf'er became president! No one can take that from him. Really the Taj Mahal of treachery, the Eiffel Tower of Evil.

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It's NOTHING Pussy Ass Bitch did. It's what everyone else did--and DIDN'T DO.

Purity-pissants, anyone?

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To paraphrase Rachel -- the fact that the human equivalent of Sylvester McMonkey McBean was fauxlected to stink up the White House says more about the people in this country than it does about Donald

A real food for thought thing, I kinda feel like


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He is so self absorbed that he is oblivious to anything that isn't him.

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Afraid? Yes, I'm terrified, and I don't have a dog* in this race. (I'm way beyond childbearing age, and my children have no interest in procreating.)

I'm terrified for women. And men, too. I've never considered abortion just a female thing. There are husbands and boyfriends, fathers and brothers, all sorts of males who love and care very deeply for us peoples-with-no-dangly-parts-that-aren't-bewbs. This reeks of "A Handmaid's Tale" (aka "Melania Does Christmas Wrong Otra Vez").

What's equally troubling is that Ex-President Tangerine Turdblossom thinks surveiling pregnant women in red states could be a thing, one he could see possible. How in great, bloody hell would that be remotely possible? Especially in 'UGE states like South Dakota? Law enforcement is going to spy on a pregger in Dog* Kill, South Dakota, Pop. 72 where there are more pregnant cows (stop the heavy breathing, Devin Nunes!) than people?

BTW, the MSM is pretty much ignoring this, PAB's latest threat on us weebles and our life choices. Assholes.

*Since Governor Cruella de Noem came out of the canine murdering closet, I'm trying to include references to dogs in my comments. I may also reference goats occasionally. Especially stinky, mean ones. You may translate that as "Trump". xx

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WaPo did a story. MSNBC covered it last night. NY Times too.

But there can never be enough coverage.

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People should be afraid, but not terrified. Terrified puts you in a position of feeling helpless. We are not helpless, Speak out against the madness. Any real American should want to see DJT remanded to Federal Penitentiary not running for President. If you call yourself a "conservative" you should be the first to want to see him gone. He doesn't have a conservative bone in his body. He is the farthest thing from a conservative. He is truly someone both conservatives and liberals should despise.

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I feel like his C.V. should be ordered more like 1. Criminal Defendant, 2. Former President, and 3. Current Presidential Candidate. In order of importance.

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I'd put "idiot" in there someplace

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And Adulterous, Lying Rapist.

So many other adjectives, enough to crash this site. xx

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George Conway was outside court this evening ranting about Trump being a narcissistic sociopath, it's true, but you gotta put "malignant" at the front of the description. He did add Trump was mightily displeased about seeing Conway in court.

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Charming. Conway is still a Rethug, last I checked. He helped make Pussy Ass Bitch.

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He did help make him, but now he's totally turned on Trump and he's divorcing Alternate Facts. Still, I meant to add to my first comment Conway is not appealing on TV, I hope MSNBC doesn't use him anymore.

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Yeah. I'm vastly unimpressed with 'repentant' Pussy Ass Bitchettes. They all helped bring this country to the brink of fascist ChristoNAZI dictatorship--which we may now be unable to fend off. They all enthusiastically supported the stupidest, most criminal, most banally evil creature ever to defile the Oval Office, and now they want to say 'Oh, gee, I made a mistake'???

They're even worse than 'good Chermans'.

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I’ve grown to like George despite myself. He’s admitted he was wrong and is now as anti-Trump as they come. Delightfully so. And forgiveness loves a sinner. We want to encourage more of that, after all.

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No. YOU want to encourage more of that.

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I just think the more people turn against Trump the better is all. As long as they vote for Biden that is. Otherwise they’re useless.

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Yes, you are correct. What remains to be seen is if those such as Conway WILL in fact vote for Biden.

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Conway holds no bars.

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