We don't think websites should make any special effort to pay attention to Donald Trump's demented rantings on his little DIY LiveJournal he calls "Truth Social." That takes away all the fun from him being simultaneously 1) unbanned from Twitter and 2) functionally still unable to use Twitter due to circumstances he created entirely for himself.
But while the controversy over his gobble-gobble session with actual neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes and antisemitic lunatic Kanye West still rages, Trump is also having a total LOL shitfit about new special counsel Jack Smith. What do the words in Trump's shitfit mean and are they even in a recognizable dialect of English? We report, you decide!
Is this what you were doing the Sunday after Thanksgiving, or do you have a life?
Here is the text if you cannot read that "truth":
Jack Smith (nice, soft name, isn’t it?), is a political hit man, who is totally compromised, and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near our already highly WEAPONIZED & CORRUPT “Justice” Department and FBI, which are stuffed with, and listening to, Radical Left “MONSTERS,” who will cause difficulties for our Country the likes of which we have not seen before. By the way, OBAMA SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (and got caught!), & what about the MASSIVE Joe & Hunter BIDEN CORRUPTION (Evidence already in!)?
What does he mean that Jack Smith is a "soft name"?
Why does he think he is "compromised" and a "political hit man?"
What is this about "MONSTERS?"
We've heard him babble about "OBAMA SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN," that delusion has been infecting his brain for years.
But all the rest, what is happening up there that sweet noggin? It is so hard to tell.
His word slit continued to rumble:
Quite frankly, he's been babbling like this all weekend, because he is a very stable genius, everybody says so.
We are not sure what-all kinds of disinformation the right wing is in overdrive to manufacture/spread about Jack Smith. (Oh look, a headline about the fake Lois Lerner IRS "scandal.") And we don't know exactly what set Trump off, but we are sure a television was involved.
But on Thanksgiving day , the special counsel with the soft name and the big stick sent a letter to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is handling the question of whether the Department of Justice may proceed with using records it seized at Mar-a-Lago in its investigation. It was a short and sweet letter, and if you don't want to get into the legal questions it examines, that's fine, but the CliffsNotes version is that it was a one-paragraph letter saying Trump's lawyers are full of shit.
So that happened.
On Thanksgiving.
And Trump seems terrified.
Happy holidays, motherfucker.
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I assumed that it was intentionally ironic.