"as if Trump were still in office" ... Subjunctive Sighted! Alert what's left of the media!

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If everyone who meets Trump gets tears in their eyes, maybe he should do something about that B.O?

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Or the knowledge that people voted for him.

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Hmmm, dreaming of the aliens from space tonight who will save us from Trump…

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Nice Carpenters mention, Doc. 😊

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The evidence was splashed all over every supermarket checkout counter in America for decades and still the govermnment refused to acknowledge it. Same as it ever was.

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This is a pathetic, ever-thirsty pale imitation of a man, whose bottomless need to feel important and big wasn't satisfied even by being the president of the United States. He has to plump up his fragile ego by claiming interactions with rich, smart, or accomplished people (mostly men, mostly white, of course), by the "sir" stories he lies about, and by claiming he has insider knowledge of absolutely everything in the world, because he's so important people clamor to get his attention so they can tell him about stuff.

Honestly, MAGAts, he's not worth all this. You're going to sacrifice the US and the future of your kids and grandkids so this little creature can feel that it IS TOO important and special.

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What Trump really needs is interactions with aliens. They'd put him in a jar and refuse to punch holes in the lid.

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Any time now the shape-shifting is gonna happen and Trump will be revealed to be Kodos. Or maybe Kang.

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His being, at bottom, pathetic is irrelevant to his cultists; more, it is his unique charm for them. They look at him, this grotesque parody of a successful adult, and see that nobody, no matter how charmless, how worthless, is too foul to be a huge celebrity. They imagine themselves in the White House, with a trophy wife and 24-hour catering at public expense, immediate breathless attention to your every ridiculous opinion (no more "SHUT UP, DONNIE!) , a limousine and driver, and a dedicated flock of flunkies to get you anything you want; all this, and the automatic servile (unearned) deference of everyone around you. For people who have always been disliked for their ugliness of person and personality, he is living the dream.

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And yet, his take on UFOs may be the first sensible thing he's ever said.,

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The videos have been explained. The videos show geese, the pilots think they were Hugh speed craft because of background visual effect from their own speed. Thunder foot described what the videos show. Actual military and cinematic people understand the videos and know it's not dated aliens. People need to stop being stupid

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" “I have no idea what I saw. […] It had no [exhaust] plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.”

But, he added, “I want to fly one.” "

I believe the inspiration for that quote came from Will Smith in the first "Independence Day" movie

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What's the point of this interview, to lock in the crazy vote? As if he didn't already have that...

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Wait, wait, wait. Trump talked to an influencer? But FOX news already said that the Democratic part is bad and stupid and Biden is old for giving influencers access to politicians during the Democratic convention. I think I saw a story about it at DKos. Or maybe from a wonketter? Honestly my memory isn't great either.

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Like Tom Cruise, but taller.

Hahahaha! The shade!

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Crazyass story, but I love the nod to Blade Runner. Not even a favorite of movie of mine, but I love Rutger Hauer, and his “Tears in Rain” soliloquy at the end may be the best in any movie, ever. Arguable of course. 👍

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The original Blade Runner soundtrack by Vangelis is so evocative. High-sparkle diamonds with further gems buried in the mix. I used to have the actual album. One fav: One More Kiss, Dear. Futuristic nostalgia.


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Here's some video of TFG's speech in a Black church in Detroit. Just watch a few seconds and see if you spot what's wrong with this picture ...


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NYT top story

“The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started”

I get what they are saying but words matter. Or did he already win and I missed it?

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Hey, they are working full time to fluff Trump and dis Joe Biden. They get to assume that all that effort is going to pay off. I mean, they are the exalted New York Times.

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It seems strange to me that the same people that would rightly shit on most conspiracy theories are happy to believe in a global conspiracy by world governments covering up the existence of alien encounters.

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"‘Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.’"

Was it Melania leaving MaraLago?

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