I always thought politicians were supposed to campaign on politics and maybe the moral capacity of the other candidate. So how does a parade of personal grievances qualify as campaign speech?
to be clear... this oratory master is the exact same 77 year old that JUST RECENTLY discovered that "us" is spelled like "U.S."... do i have that right?
"Bill Barr says I'm dumb! Oh yeah? Well he's a poopy-head! Take that, fatso!" (Reminder, this man was somehow in charge of the most deadly arsenal in the world.)
“… so now this Moron says about me, to get even, “his verbal skills are limited.” Well, that’s one I haven’t heard before. Tell that to the biggest political crowds in the history of politics, by far. Bill Barr is a LOSER!” He’s right, of course. The increasingly dwindling crowds of mouth-breathing troglodytes who couldn’t find their own asses with an extra hand and a floodlight but who nonetheless flock to the saliva-inflected tirades he spews forth instead of therapy obviously see him as the second coming of Daniel Webster. He is a statesman for the ages. Peerless in his wisdom, his tender care of the constitution, his respect for the rule of law, and his boundless, selfless love for the country that afforded him and his family so much prosperity and opportunity. They recognize him as the calm, grounded visionary who will lead us from the darkness into a new, enlightened, hopeful age. A man uncompromising in his integrity, his intellect, his compassion. They know this, they feel this, and they need to be there, to gather together and bask in his warmth, and his light. Well, it’s either that or the racism, the hate, the xenophobia, the curdled rage, the unbridled entitlement, the free license to be their worst selves … Or maybe it’s the hats? 🤔
"Peerless? I bought my wife a string of those one time because I'm the best husband ever. Which wife? I don't remember. But I really don't like when you talk about my love boundles. You calling me fat? I'm in the best shape of any president ever!" - PAB
I haz a confuze. Perhaps somebody can clear this up for me. This decision by Chutkun was a decision on trump's appeal of her gag order, right? But he said he will appeal. Can somebody appeal their appeal?
No. She is a trial-level judge, not an appellate judge. She merely revoked her prior stay on the gag order. His appeal goes to the Court of Appeals, which is the higher-level court in between the trial court and the Supreme Court.
Trump always says he will appeal adverse rulings, whether they are appealable or not. It's a court of public opinion thing. When he can't appeal, he sharts about that being unfair election interference.
They need to nut up and put him in jail. He is not going to obey any gag orders. He is not going to pay any fines accrued from violating those gag orders. Stop treating him with kid gloves.
Queen Elizabeth had Mary Queen of Scots sequestered at Tutbury Castle. A similar accomodation needs to be found for this dangerous character. If that proves insufficient, send him to the Tower.
The Washington Monument is sufficiently tall. Apparently there's a museum at the 490 foot level that could be re-purposed. It's not clear if that room has any windows that could facilitate defenestration. Now that the USA has pretenders to the presidency, we need to innovate ways to deal with them. Personally I favor the traditional English method for handling regicides.
apropos of nothing, we were in grant park in 2008.
just fucking magic.
Oh I doubt he paid her back but I guess he’s off the hook with the court. She can just add it to her bill as an expense and he can not pay her.
I always thought politicians were supposed to campaign on politics and maybe the moral capacity of the other candidate. So how does a parade of personal grievances qualify as campaign speech?
Ya know who else had huge crowds of chanters and flags and what not?
Is the turnip jailed yet???
"How can they tell the leading candidate that he, and only he, is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? It will not stand!"
I'm sorry, when did a judge require Defendant Trump to go to a golf tournament at his club instead of Iowa to campaign?
to be clear... this oratory master is the exact same 77 year old that JUST RECENTLY discovered that "us" is spelled like "U.S."... do i have that right?
"Bill Barr says I'm dumb! Oh yeah? Well he's a poopy-head! Take that, fatso!" (Reminder, this man was somehow in charge of the most deadly arsenal in the world.)
He's the brains of the GOP operation.
"'I have all the best words.' Literally the biggest word in that sentence is 'words.'" -- John Oliver
"...will not stand (man)."
He IS teh walrus.
“… so now this Moron says about me, to get even, “his verbal skills are limited.” Well, that’s one I haven’t heard before. Tell that to the biggest political crowds in the history of politics, by far. Bill Barr is a LOSER!” He’s right, of course. The increasingly dwindling crowds of mouth-breathing troglodytes who couldn’t find their own asses with an extra hand and a floodlight but who nonetheless flock to the saliva-inflected tirades he spews forth instead of therapy obviously see him as the second coming of Daniel Webster. He is a statesman for the ages. Peerless in his wisdom, his tender care of the constitution, his respect for the rule of law, and his boundless, selfless love for the country that afforded him and his family so much prosperity and opportunity. They recognize him as the calm, grounded visionary who will lead us from the darkness into a new, enlightened, hopeful age. A man uncompromising in his integrity, his intellect, his compassion. They know this, they feel this, and they need to be there, to gather together and bask in his warmth, and his light. Well, it’s either that or the racism, the hate, the xenophobia, the curdled rage, the unbridled entitlement, the free license to be their worst selves … Or maybe it’s the hats? 🤔
"Peerless? I bought my wife a string of those one time because I'm the best husband ever. Which wife? I don't remember. But I really don't like when you talk about my love boundles. You calling me fat? I'm in the best shape of any president ever!" - PAB
When his mouth finally and permanently shuts (please be in the next hour) needs to be a national holiday.
Today's Charlie Pierce description of TFG: an old guy whose cheese has slipped off his cracker, hit the floor, and been eaten by the dog.
I haz a confuze. Perhaps somebody can clear this up for me. This decision by Chutkun was a decision on trump's appeal of her gag order, right? But he said he will appeal. Can somebody appeal their appeal?
No. She is a trial-level judge, not an appellate judge. She merely revoked her prior stay on the gag order. His appeal goes to the Court of Appeals, which is the higher-level court in between the trial court and the Supreme Court.
Trump always says he will appeal adverse rulings, whether they are appealable or not. It's a court of public opinion thing. When he can't appeal, he sharts about that being unfair election interference.
He did appeal the gag order but the order is in effect now unless she gets reversed.
They need to nut up and put him in jail. He is not going to obey any gag orders. He is not going to pay any fines accrued from violating those gag orders. Stop treating him with kid gloves.
I saw a pic I think on Twitter purporting to be a copy of a check signed by Alina Hanna for the NY fines.
Yes but is it confirmed that Trump has paid her back? Because I feel like that's the sticking point.
I am sure that there is a spare room at some country club prison for turnip and a SS guy.
Queen Elizabeth had Mary Queen of Scots sequestered at Tutbury Castle. A similar accomodation needs to be found for this dangerous character. If that proves insufficient, send him to the Tower.
"Off with his head!!"
Not the Trump Tower, obvs. Perhaps house arrest in Mar-a-Lago? Oh, right, that's not a "residence" (for tax purposes).....
The Washington Monument is sufficiently tall. Apparently there's a museum at the 490 foot level that could be re-purposed. It's not clear if that room has any windows that could facilitate defenestration. Now that the USA has pretenders to the presidency, we need to innovate ways to deal with them. Personally I favor the traditional English method for handling regicides.
Also, the old rich in that area didn't want His Orangeness, PAB, stinking up their playground year 'round.