TSA Bravely Fighting the War on Terror...at the Bar
The TSA is busy doing much of nothing these days. Last week, they warned us about this crazy new device called a shoe bomb and modified their profiling of people with turbans . What's next, will they reintroduce Clear, that program where you paid the TSA $100 a year to speed you through airport security? Whatever happened to that shitty idea? That really took off, didn't it? Anyway, we'd to take a moment and congratulate these hardworking men and women on the front lines who build snaking lines with on-the-job training of troglodytes, police academy dropouts and lazy thugs. And a special big thanks to Maine's Portland International Airport , ("The Preferred Airport for Terrorists!") where we noticed a number of TSA agents hanging out at the bar. It's true, we arewinning the war on terror.
TSA Issues New Warning About Shoe Bombs" [CBS]
Sikhs welcome TSA turban rule change [World Sikh News]