Trump Tattling To Twitter Over Mean Chrissy Teigen Tweet Just Tip Of 'Pussy Ass Bitch' Iceberg
It's always projection, it's always a confession.
To review what we have learned in the Republican congressional investigation into Hunter Biden's Excellent Wang:
1. James Comer is an even stupider Republican committee chair than Devin Nunes.
2. It's definitely not Joe Biden who calls Twitter in the middle of the night like a tyrant demanding they take down all their pics of their son's dick. Rather, because every Republican accusation is projection, a confession or a crime they're planning to try, it was Donald Trump who did that.
Except he wasn't calling to tell them to take down pictures of Junior's or Eric's wangs. He was calling because he was inconsolable about a supermodel calling him a "pussy ass bitch" on Twitter, and he HEREBY DEMANDED Twitter take it down, because it hurt his feelings.
Yes, he was upset somebody called him a "pussy ass bitch" where everybody could see it. It's a shame Donald Trump is so thin-skinned he can't handle being called a "pussy ass bitch" on Twitter. You'd think a guy who had let Russia and certain rogue elements of the FBI steal the presidency for him in 2016 would have strong enough britches to handle being called a "pussy ass bitch" by Chrissy Teigen.
Guess that was just too much for him.
PSA: New GOP House Oversight Chair James Comer Is A F*cking Clown
After yesterday's revelations, Adam Rawnsley and Asawin Suebsaeng did some reporting for Rolling Stone and found that these kinds of whinyass fascist phone calls, these begs for censorship, came in to Twitter a whole bunch . Did both sides do it? No, beltway media, we are sorry, and if that makes this news story too difficult to understand, please recuse yourself. It was pretty much entirely Republicans.
And that's according to both former Twitter employees and Trump administration officials. Funny how none of this ended up in the TWITTER FILES Elon has been funneling up Matt Taibbi's butthole.
[F]ormer Trump administration officials and Twitter employees tell Rolling Stone that the White House’s Teigen tweet demand was hardly an isolated incident: The Trump administration and its allied Republicans in Congress routinely asked Twitter to take down posts they objected to — the exact behavior that they’re claiming makes President Biden, the Democrats, and Twitter complicit in an anti-free speech conspiracy to muzzle conservatives online.
Again, you will never ever EVER go wrong to start by assuming that all conservative Republican accusations are confessions. Take it to the bank and let them prove you wrong. We'll say it in every post we have to.
“It was strange to me when all of these investigations were announced because it was all about the exact same stuff that we had done [when Donald Trump was in office],” one former top aide to a senior Trump administration official tells Rolling Stone . “It was normal.”
Huh, it's almost like it's their actual m.o .
Rolling Stone says all its sources, 100 percent of them, said there was a "tipline" or "hotline" or "database" where Republicans or Democrats alike could call Twitter and make moderation requests. But again:
The voluminous requests often came from high-ranking political appointees working in different departments, offices, and agencies in the Trump administration. But during both the Trump and Biden presidencies, these types of moderation requests or demands were routinely sent to Twitter by the staff of influential GOP lawmakers — ones with names like Kevin McCarthy and Elise Stefanik .
And surprise, it sounds like a good bit of it was conservatives doing their delusional whining about Twitter "shadow-banning" people. (Because if a Donald Trump Jr. tweet that EVERYBODY agrees totally owned the libs doesn't go viral, it is a conspiracy!)
Other times, offices of senior Trump administration officials would send emails seeking to remove tweets that they believed to be “hate speech” or death threats aimed at their principals.
Yeah we bet their definition of "hate speech" was interesting. We already know it includes Donald Trump's inability to survive being called a "pussy ass bitch."
And over the years, the knowledgeable sources say, staffers for Republican officials would regularly flag to Twitter content that they believed violated the app’s terms of service or other policies, including on spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
Hahahahahahaha LOL LMAO.
Oh wait, sorry, are we not supposed to find hilarious the idea of Republicans begging Twitter to combat "misinformation" and "disinformation"? How many requests came in demanding the removal of tweets because they were about the "Russia hoax," or because they were censoring God's glorious truth about curing COVID-19 with horse suppositories?
Put a fine point on it, Rolling Stone:
The obvious irony here is, the sources note, that Republican leaders and elected officials have long been committing precisely the kind of “government interference” that they are now investigating, fundraising off of, and accusing Democrats and the so-called anti-Trump “Deep State” of perpetrating. Some of the loudest conservative and MAGA voices on Capitol Hill — who’ve been endlessly demanding taxpayer-funded, high-profile investigations into Big Tech “bias” and “collusion” — were themselves engaged in the behavior they now claim is colluding.
We think we can agree James Comer's Where's Waldo investigation into the president's son's penis is off to a smashing start.
We can't wait to see what revelations Jim Jordan's House McCarthyism Committee uncovers during its first hearing later today. (Starts at noon!)
[ Rolling Stone ]
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to be fair, to insult conservative Republicans you only have to say true things about them.
Well, Morgan, the week is young...