
#VoteBlue to save the world!

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Hey, Dok, I'd love to hear about your experience with the electric bike!

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Ta, Dok. So many things we can do to live more lightly upon our earth! One of the many reasons I never wanted children is that I was a climate Cassandra. All those young people who allegedly won't vote for Biden? They all care about the climate and the future. Give them the facts!!

Coal is wonderful when it stays in the ground. It cleans water.

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Coal has been obsolete since the death of the steam locomotive. Its continued use is just another case of creating pollution to "own the libs".

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May 19
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Blacksmiths are moving to gas powered forges.

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> ... the Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act ...

The *Bipartisan* Infrastructure Law, TYVM. Which means we can shorthand the two of them as "Bil(l) & Ira".

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Oof. As much as I am for this, I really wish we hadn't just thrown Tester a boat anchor.

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That was one of my first thoughts as well.

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One of the 14297 things that PAB promised to do on "Day One" of his coming term is shitcan the federal subsidies for wind and solar power, because he HATES wind. And the Sun...

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I hate wind too but I’m not gonna be on a wind farm probably ever.

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After invading their land in a relentless quest for gold, the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia was captured by indigenous people in Chile and forced to ingest dirt until he died. “You want what’s in our soil?” they said. “Here, eat all you want!”

Don’t know why that story makes me think of Republicans and their zeal for coal. Just coincidence, I guess.

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If this goes on, I'll be able to breathe the air outside once in a while! Thanks, Tyrant Dark Brandon!

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Back in the early 2000s, when I had just moved to Kansas, they started planning to build 2 new coal plants in southwest Kansas. By the time they started preparing the site, the state of Kansas had built enough wind farms that we didn't need the energy, but the owners thought they could build the plant and sell the energy to Texas. Kathleen Sebelius thought it was a waste of time and money and fought them for years. Finally (finally!!!), in 2020, they gave up altogether on the plants.

Never stop fighting (Kansas now get 45% of its energy from wind)!

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Saw my first electric FedEx truck today! Have seen several electric UPS trucks recently. The future is here.

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bravo. i have seen neither but hope to spot one soon.

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May 19
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I think that those Rivians look really good.

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"The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign estimates that 382 coal-fired power plants have closed down or proposed to retire," That's a big number but how many of these have actually closed and how many are supposed to close? Because plants that are "supposed" to close often end up finding new life. Let's not count those chickens before they hatch (close).

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Sooooo sad because sooooo many more and other uses for coal!

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Metallurgical coal will still be mined of course. And we can't forget coal tar shampoo! That will keep a few mines going I bet.

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Say what you will about coal, but it will never be superseded in one crucial application, namely as the Christmas gift of choice for children who have been naughty.

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Not to mention Krampus.

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There is a car ferry that runs on Lake Michigan between WI and MI that runs on coal. It stopped dumping the ash into the lake about 10 years ago but is still a (very historic) toxic vessel.


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We took that car ferry across Lake Michigan a decade ago. It was Mos Def a time warp experience.

Good to hear that ash no longer dumped into the lake. I suspect that other vessels may dump “whatever”. Enforcement difficult bc of sheer size of lake.

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Hopefully not for much longer. The Great Lakes are showing some strain from microplastics and PFAS chemicals and coal ash leakage from old coal plants located on the shores.

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May 19
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That's what they say. I think it will be too costly but we will see.

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Squee! That's adorable.

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We don't need to do all this, just get rid of traffic circles


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Vorticity, baby.

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