In my small Virginia town there's a parents rights idiot running for town council. Lived here for two years and thinks masks were terrible and book bans awesome. Her opponent has served the town well for several years.
Don't know why democrats aren't reminding people that mortgage rates topped 18% under Reagan. Yes, housing is a serious issue, but interest rates over the last 20 years were a historical anomaly.
The problem is an advertising problem. Democratic advertising strategy frankly sucks. The need to fire all the beltway consultants and hire the guys that make commercials for McDonalds.
Phonebank for the to empower Black voters in these and other districts. No selling of candidates, just encouraging voter participation and providing information. And we leave voicemails!
I've been sending postcards to voters in VA house district 82 for Kimberly Pope Adams. She's running on a platform for reproductive rights, paid family and medical leave, and quality PUBLIC schools. Too bad that last one has to be an issue.
People don't realise that the chance of your daughter having to compete against a trans athlete is just about zero. One sources claims 300 thousand Americans between the ages of 13 and 17 identify as trans.
There is a famous trans woman who has won the NCAA title. I refuse to dig more deeply into it, to be honest, but have multiple diver/swimmer friends who really care.
I just ask if the NCAA does what the Olympics does, then answer is no, then I have formed an opinion. Maybe not a great opinion but one that keeps me from having to read whatever is said about her online, or going down ratholes.
I’m a graduate of the University of Virginia and the second place athlete in that event (I can’t remember if it was swimming or diving tbh) was a UVa student who was also, I think, from Virginia originally. That has made it unfortunately a big issue among swimmers/divers and parents in VA, and from there it spread to track and field athletes and parents in VA, and a lot of otherwise reliable liberals in VA are rather vehemently against trans athletes competing in “women’s” events.
I think this may explain the poll number on this issue Stephen cites.
I do not believe it will serve to tamp down Va enthusiasm among Dems and Dem leaning independents in the critical suburban counties.
The whole sports thing confuses me. I remember school sports days from when I was a young 'un and most of the events were mixed teams, at least until the age of 11-12. Even then the teams for things like rounders, cricket, and field hockey would be mixed. It was only sports like football (soccer) and contact sports like rugby where they'd separate us by gender.
It's definitely Operation Camouflage for the GOP in rural VA this election. Republican signage, billboards, and assorted campaign gimcracks dominate as usual. This year, however, I've noticed a decided absence of red, white, and blue (but specifically RED) from their signage which has been replaced by colors which blend in with the foliage more. There have also been strange billboards in the mountains: six or seven candidates across; no party affiliation; just names and the office they are seeking in descending order of power. All GOP, naturally.
Just keep yourself steady and safe in the interim, cousin.
How are your wife and daughter doing? They've been on my mind quite a bit over the past several days and I wish I could offer them some good words and comfort.
My wife is beside herself. Relieved that I’m on the way finally, but damn. My daughter is okay-she’s got college to occupy her. Fortunately, her school isn’t one of the ones where Jewish students are being harassed.
The thing about polling individual issues is, it doesn't tell you if it's a deal breaker vs something that would make a candidate a little more pleasant.
My drugs arrive today... hopefully. REALLY hopefully, because godDAMN is it tempting to give in to rage, especially these days.
If I could *do* something with it I might feel differently, but I have learned that while anger is occasionally useful, *rage* almost never is. I'm not the Hulk, I don't have super powers, I can't bend elements, channel the One Power, or perform any other arcane feats, so all rage does is exhaust me for no good reason.
For some reason that all seemed relevant on this, the fifth article in a row that contains RESOUNDINGLY bad news.
For what it's worth I've learned to master that rage, tend it and keep its' blistering embers glowing hot and ready for when I need to take it out and wield it like a weapon.
Rage is a tremendous motivator and can accomplish a great deal when you are controlling that rage and it isn't controlling you.
Watch that flip if the Dems lose control of the Virginia Senate. Suddenly he'll look like a viable option. The best way to keep him out of the race is for the General Assembly to turn very blue. If the GQP loses control of the House of Delegates, Youngkin's shot at the Presidency is dead, expired, bereft of life.
It just kills me that northern VA counties, that reap the benefit of being next to DC, are increasingly electing Republican scum who want to tear it all down. "Goofy in the head" indeed.
Do you think so? I’m going to be 70 next week, and I’ve lived in Colorado since 1979 so I’m not the best judge, but I do try to keep current, and it seems to me that the trend is going our way even if there are occasional hiccups largely dependent on perceived personal weaknesses of specific Democratic candidates.
The blue is spreading westward and south from DC. (It will always stop at my old county, Fauquier, I’m afraid, but Prince William and Loudoun are reliably blue these days and Stafford and Spottsy and Fredericksburg City are getting that way.
I thought that it wasn’t so much that they came out for Youngkin, but that they stayed home, so that margins went from, like, 68-32 to 60-40, in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William. This in turn was enough of a reduction in our usual margin that the higher than usual red turnout in The Valley, Southside, and far SW Virginia was sufficient to beat a rather weak Democratic candidate.
Ta, Stephen. Virginia, wake up and VOTE!!
In my small Virginia town there's a parents rights idiot running for town council. Lived here for two years and thinks masks were terrible and book bans awesome. Her opponent has served the town well for several years.
If “cotugirl” comes from “Center of The Universe” I’m thinking Ashland? I sure hope that lovely college town doesn’t elect that guy…
Don't know why democrats aren't reminding people that mortgage rates topped 18% under Reagan. Yes, housing is a serious issue, but interest rates over the last 20 years were a historical anomaly.
American "capitalism" is the problem.
The problem is an advertising problem. Democratic advertising strategy frankly sucks. The need to fire all the beltway consultants and hire the guys that make commercials for McDonalds.
Yeah, don’t think bad-mouthing capitalism will sell except to gen Z.
So wreck the economy like the banks did in 2008 and housing costs will drop like a frozen turkey.
As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly!
“Virginia has a major election next week, and it’s best for everyone if Democrats don’t sleep through it like they did in Louisiana.“
It is always one step forward in presidential elections, and two steps back in the mid-terms. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Phonebank for the to empower Black voters in these and other districts. No selling of candidates, just encouraging voter participation and providing information. And we leave voicemails!
I've been sending postcards to voters in VA house district 82 for Kimberly Pope Adams. She's running on a platform for reproductive rights, paid family and medical leave, and quality PUBLIC schools. Too bad that last one has to be an issue.
Beyond theocratic bigotry, I suspect the sport dealie is about athletic scholarships. For some families & kids, that's the only way to afford college.
People don't realise that the chance of your daughter having to compete against a trans athlete is just about zero. One sources claims 300 thousand Americans between the ages of 13 and 17 identify as trans.
About 300,000 Americans of all ages.
It is a big deal in swimming. The problem is that we have made sports such a central phenomena in our society that sportsball matters.
Seriously the Olympics have solved this. Just do whatever test the Olympics do if the complaining parent or 9at college level) the NCAA pays for it.
Not that I'm doubting you, but how many offenders have won?
There is a famous trans woman who has won the NCAA title. I refuse to dig more deeply into it, to be honest, but have multiple diver/swimmer friends who really care.
I just ask if the NCAA does what the Olympics does, then answer is no, then I have formed an opinion. Maybe not a great opinion but one that keeps me from having to read whatever is said about her online, or going down ratholes.
I’m a graduate of the University of Virginia and the second place athlete in that event (I can’t remember if it was swimming or diving tbh) was a UVa student who was also, I think, from Virginia originally. That has made it unfortunately a big issue among swimmers/divers and parents in VA, and from there it spread to track and field athletes and parents in VA, and a lot of otherwise reliable liberals in VA are rather vehemently against trans athletes competing in “women’s” events.
I think this may explain the poll number on this issue Stephen cites.
I do not believe it will serve to tamp down Va enthusiasm among Dems and Dem leaning independents in the critical suburban counties.
Congratulations on being an amazing athlete! I wish you only the best. I would come in about 100 millionth in such a national contest.
I know almost nothing about this. And I have lots of friends who are very exercised.
That reminds me--I've got to finish those postcards to VA voters. BBL..
The whole sports thing confuses me. I remember school sports days from when I was a young 'un and most of the events were mixed teams, at least until the age of 11-12. Even then the teams for things like rounders, cricket, and field hockey would be mixed. It was only sports like football (soccer) and contact sports like rugby where they'd separate us by gender.
It's definitely Operation Camouflage for the GOP in rural VA this election. Republican signage, billboards, and assorted campaign gimcracks dominate as usual. This year, however, I've noticed a decided absence of red, white, and blue (but specifically RED) from their signage which has been replaced by colors which blend in with the foliage more. There have also been strange billboards in the mountains: six or seven candidates across; no party affiliation; just names and the office they are seeking in descending order of power. All GOP, naturally.
Well, crap. We’re not taking off until 1845. If I’m lucky, I can make the last flight to Austin tonight. Otherwise, it’ll be tomorrow morning I guess
You're 178 years late!
Just keep yourself steady and safe in the interim, cousin.
How are your wife and daughter doing? They've been on my mind quite a bit over the past several days and I wish I could offer them some good words and comfort.
My wife is beside herself. Relieved that I’m on the way finally, but damn. My daughter is okay-she’s got college to occupy her. Fortunately, her school isn’t one of the ones where Jewish students are being harassed.
At least there's a plan.
I'm less concerned about becoming WV and more concerned about becoming Florida.
The thing about polling individual issues is, it doesn't tell you if it's a deal breaker vs something that would make a candidate a little more pleasant.
OT: If you need something to read until the next post:
Day Sixteen Without Brain Drugs:
My drugs arrive today... hopefully. REALLY hopefully, because godDAMN is it tempting to give in to rage, especially these days.
If I could *do* something with it I might feel differently, but I have learned that while anger is occasionally useful, *rage* almost never is. I'm not the Hulk, I don't have super powers, I can't bend elements, channel the One Power, or perform any other arcane feats, so all rage does is exhaust me for no good reason.
For some reason that all seemed relevant on this, the fifth article in a row that contains RESOUNDINGLY bad news.
For what it's worth I've learned to master that rage, tend it and keep its' blistering embers glowing hot and ready for when I need to take it out and wield it like a weapon.
Rage is a tremendous motivator and can accomplish a great deal when you are controlling that rage and it isn't controlling you.
Yyyeeeaaahhhh, that's why I'm on "the drugs" as the kids say absolutely nowhere.
Rage *consumes* me when I let it take hold, and until it's spent I'm in its awesome, powerful, oh Gods it feels SO GOOD thrall.
It's like an addiction thing. I can't give in, can't let it grip me, because when I do and when it does, I don't want it to stop. I just want MORE.
The MSM is still disappointed that Glenn "LL Bean Pence" Youngkin is not running for president.
Watch that flip if the Dems lose control of the Virginia Senate. Suddenly he'll look like a viable option. The best way to keep him out of the race is for the General Assembly to turn very blue. If the GQP loses control of the House of Delegates, Youngkin's shot at the Presidency is dead, expired, bereft of life.
Joined the choir invisible
It just kills me that northern VA counties, that reap the benefit of being next to DC, are increasingly electing Republican scum who want to tear it all down. "Goofy in the head" indeed.
Do you think so? I’m going to be 70 next week, and I’ve lived in Colorado since 1979 so I’m not the best judge, but I do try to keep current, and it seems to me that the trend is going our way even if there are occasional hiccups largely dependent on perceived personal weaknesses of specific Democratic candidates.
The blue is spreading westward and south from DC. (It will always stop at my old county, Fauquier, I’m afraid, but Prince William and Loudoun are reliably blue these days and Stafford and Spottsy and Fredericksburg City are getting that way.
I hope you're right. I was just flabbergasted that the DC suburbs came out for wolf-in-a-fleece-vest Youngkin. That guy is bananas.
I thought that it wasn’t so much that they came out for Youngkin, but that they stayed home, so that margins went from, like, 68-32 to 60-40, in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William. This in turn was enough of a reduction in our usual margin that the higher than usual red turnout in The Valley, Southside, and far SW Virginia was sufficient to beat a rather weak Democratic candidate.