Fighting back against Dem lawfare is valid campaign strategy. They need to spend more on lawsuits in some of these corrupt "swing-states" that Kamala is going to steal, though to be fair a lot of the inaction is a result of uni-party hatred of Trump and RHINO GOP leaders all over the place.
Man I don't know about this Glover person. Was she asleep the day Lara took over the RNC and said with her mouth that the money would be going to Trump's legal woes?
Tangentilally related to this, Rachel Maddow did an excellent piece on the disasters that are the Michigan, Colorado , and Florida state Republican parties. Complete with coups, dueling chairmen, fist fights and police escorting the former MI chair woman out of their meeting. These people are certifiable.
If the fact that the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America is a convicted felon who has been found liable in civil court for sexual assault can be treated by the media as yesterday's news ("Nothing to see here. Meanwhile, Kamala can't win on vibe alone!") then no one is going to blink an eye when the con artist gets caught, again, um ... conning people.
Seriously, the fact that every goddamn story on this race doesn't mention that Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for hiding a payoff to a pornstar he fucked, that says everything about how inadequate the American media industry is. We would be no worse off without it, and we'd probably come out a little ahead.
So much poverty and human suffering in America is due to the wealth gap and the incomprehensible amount of money the 1% control. At least one half of our political system exists to preserve that disparity.
Do any of the oversight agencies still exist after Trump’s term? It’s indeed ridiculous, as Gary points out, that anyone donating money to King Mango would expect it to be used for anything other than whatever Trump likes. I would wager most of those big ticket doners are actually ok with that, because they enjoy a warm feeling of making Poppy happy, keeping him out of prison, and sticking it to the libs. They also know he’s their ticket to tax and regulation relief, so whatever keeps Trump filled with joy, I mean cash, is fine. The entire election finance system is a grifty Wild Wild West, with more greasy fingers in those pots than you can imagine. I want Harris to beat Trump SOOO badly, but I despise the expectation that average Americans should spend their money to make that happen. Trump should have zero legal access to campaign money to pay his personal legal fees. That alone proves the system is broken.
Once they have drunk so much Trump-based Flavor Aid, once they have given so much money, once they have heard for the hundredth time the words about making America great again, they simply cannot imagine any thought that they've been had by a con man. They have to keep going. Their fragile egos can't handle anything else. They're all "waist deep in Trump's Big Muddy, and will follow the big fool when he says "Push on." (Apologies to the late Pete Seeger.)
"Your party sold out to a grifter almost a decade ago and now you are complaining the government you have spent years disparaging is incapable of stopping the grifting. It’s almost Shakespearean, if Shakespeare had been an enormous idiot."
Shoot it into my veins, Gary Legum! I hope all of Kamala's and Tim's voters know NOT to vote for any Rs this time, anywhere on the ballots. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Even this article, which is critical of Trump, still manages to normalize him. These poor Trump donors "deserve better" makes it seem like you can appeal to Trump's nonexistent integrity. That somehow this impassioned piece in the fucking NYT, which is now an adjunct of Fox News in supporting Trump's election, will have an effect on Trump and cause him to stop stealing these suckers' money. But, like you said, these idiots and assholes (sorry, but if you are donating money to Trump in the year of our Lord 2024, you are a ginormous fucking asshole and idiot) don't deserve better. They deserve exactly what they are (not) getting.
But, hey, on the upside, maybe the kids and other remora who have latched onto MAGA, are betting that Trump will lose, then go to jail, and then they will get to keep all of the money that they have grifted from the ginormous asshole idiot suckers who still give money to Trump.
If you asked a true-blue MAGA about this, my guess is that the response would be along the lines of:
"Whether my money goes to reelect Him or to fight the illegal socialistic lawfare that Joe Biden is waging against this most sainted and holy man, it's all good. Every penny spent in the service of my god-messiah is good, and only He in His wisdom can and should determine how to spend it."
Including the nitwit who lost his entire life savings and retirement by investing in TS and posting about it.
Said shite-for-brains bemoans the fact that he must re-enter the workforce at 76.
I hope he finds nothing better than a minimum wage job and loses the rest of what he has; it might, in a world where MAGAts have some self-awareness, act as a caution to other trumpers.....
....oh, whoTF am I kidding? They won't learn, and I'm down for the schadenfreude derived from watching him suffer.
The rest of this asshole's posts indicate that he fits Mencken's dictum: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - HL Mencken
Eh. If MAGA money wasn't going into Trump's pockets, it would be going into the pockets of Mega-pastors. It's the exact same grift, just with an orange baboon as its Godhead rather than some toothy Jesus-humper with a private line to God. And to be honest, I hate the Jesus-humpers even more than I hate the baboon, so it's all good.
Fighting back against Dem lawfare is valid campaign strategy. They need to spend more on lawsuits in some of these corrupt "swing-states" that Kamala is going to steal, though to be fair a lot of the inaction is a result of uni-party hatred of Trump and RHINO GOP leaders all over the place.
I have no problem with the money going to legal defense as long as he still ends up in prison.
"retinue of sociopathic remoras"
A perfect mental image!
Man I don't know about this Glover person. Was she asleep the day Lara took over the RNC and said with her mouth that the money would be going to Trump's legal woes?
There is a report sourced from three staffers in the drumpf campaign that George Soros has paid drumpf $250,000,000 to throw the election.
Pass it on...
(h/t VforVirginia)
Unbelievable how some (many) people can be such f*cking idiots!
Tangentilally related to this, Rachel Maddow did an excellent piece on the disasters that are the Michigan, Colorado , and Florida state Republican parties. Complete with coups, dueling chairmen, fist fights and police escorting the former MI chair woman out of their meeting. These people are certifiable.
If the fact that the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America is a convicted felon who has been found liable in civil court for sexual assault can be treated by the media as yesterday's news ("Nothing to see here. Meanwhile, Kamala can't win on vibe alone!") then no one is going to blink an eye when the con artist gets caught, again, um ... conning people.
Seriously, the fact that every goddamn story on this race doesn't mention that Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for hiding a payoff to a pornstar he fucked, that says everything about how inadequate the American media industry is. We would be no worse off without it, and we'd probably come out a little ahead.
Sounds more like a polite rebranding of "the grift isn't being spread around like it used to."
So much poverty and human suffering in America is due to the wealth gap and the incomprehensible amount of money the 1% control. At least one half of our political system exists to preserve that disparity.
Or more I'd say.
I love the fact that Walz is as broke as I am.
Do any of the oversight agencies still exist after Trump’s term? It’s indeed ridiculous, as Gary points out, that anyone donating money to King Mango would expect it to be used for anything other than whatever Trump likes. I would wager most of those big ticket doners are actually ok with that, because they enjoy a warm feeling of making Poppy happy, keeping him out of prison, and sticking it to the libs. They also know he’s their ticket to tax and regulation relief, so whatever keeps Trump filled with joy, I mean cash, is fine. The entire election finance system is a grifty Wild Wild West, with more greasy fingers in those pots than you can imagine. I want Harris to beat Trump SOOO badly, but I despise the expectation that average Americans should spend their money to make that happen. Trump should have zero legal access to campaign money to pay his personal legal fees. That alone proves the system is broken.
“went into a legal and financial black hole reportedly controlled by Trump family members and close associates.”
It's funny to hear the GOP slowly come to the realization that tfg is nothing more than a shakedown artist.
But we'll still vote for him!
Once they have drunk so much Trump-based Flavor Aid, once they have given so much money, once they have heard for the hundredth time the words about making America great again, they simply cannot imagine any thought that they've been had by a con man. They have to keep going. Their fragile egos can't handle anything else. They're all "waist deep in Trump's Big Muddy, and will follow the big fool when he says "Push on." (Apologies to the late Pete Seeger.)
Excuse me, a point of clarification - it's "Cruel Aide"
Yep, sunk costs and all. And it’s a lot easier to con someone than it is to convince them they have been conned.
So anyway…
"Your party sold out to a grifter almost a decade ago and now you are complaining the government you have spent years disparaging is incapable of stopping the grifting. It’s almost Shakespearean, if Shakespeare had been an enormous idiot."
Shoot it into my veins, Gary Legum! I hope all of Kamala's and Tim's voters know NOT to vote for any Rs this time, anywhere on the ballots. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
"Republican power broker in Washington, given how much her own damn party has done to make agencies such as the FEC completely toothless."
Well YEAH. We just didn't think that it would apply to US!
Those leopards will eat anybody's face.
Even this article, which is critical of Trump, still manages to normalize him. These poor Trump donors "deserve better" makes it seem like you can appeal to Trump's nonexistent integrity. That somehow this impassioned piece in the fucking NYT, which is now an adjunct of Fox News in supporting Trump's election, will have an effect on Trump and cause him to stop stealing these suckers' money. But, like you said, these idiots and assholes (sorry, but if you are donating money to Trump in the year of our Lord 2024, you are a ginormous fucking asshole and idiot) don't deserve better. They deserve exactly what they are (not) getting.
But, hey, on the upside, maybe the kids and other remora who have latched onto MAGA, are betting that Trump will lose, then go to jail, and then they will get to keep all of the money that they have grifted from the ginormous asshole idiot suckers who still give money to Trump.
They're just poor economically anxious real americans unlike those coastal elites in cities.
-the press, probably
If you asked a true-blue MAGA about this, my guess is that the response would be along the lines of:
"Whether my money goes to reelect Him or to fight the illegal socialistic lawfare that Joe Biden is waging against this most sainted and holy man, it's all good. Every penny spent in the service of my god-messiah is good, and only He in His wisdom can and should determine how to spend it."
And be sure to give until it hurts, Bubba.
That's why they invest in "truth" social too.
Including the nitwit who lost his entire life savings and retirement by investing in TS and posting about it.
Said shite-for-brains bemoans the fact that he must re-enter the workforce at 76.
I hope he finds nothing better than a minimum wage job and loses the rest of what he has; it might, in a world where MAGAts have some self-awareness, act as a caution to other trumpers.....
....oh, whoTF am I kidding? They won't learn, and I'm down for the schadenfreude derived from watching him suffer.
'Never wise up a chump'.
~ W.C. Fields
I can't find anything about this. Sources?
The rest of this asshole's posts indicate that he fits Mencken's dictum: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - HL Mencken
Eh. If MAGA money wasn't going into Trump's pockets, it would be going into the pockets of Mega-pastors. It's the exact same grift, just with an orange baboon as its Godhead rather than some toothy Jesus-humper with a private line to God. And to be honest, I hate the Jesus-humpers even more than I hate the baboon, so it's all good.