Wannabe Sarah Palins Want Your Unwrapped Razor Blade Candy, And Wolfgang Puck Keeps The Peace
Stray boys and cats are already camping outside of Target in hopes of procuring aSARAH PALIN NAUGHTY ALASKAN MAID HALLOWEEN COSTUME(one size fits all). Complete with a moose pelt mini skirt, an apron/Twitter feed, a GOP debit card and a boner-inducing book deal, industry analysts predict the nipple-hardening Alaskan get-up will be an easier sell thanIRAQI WMDS! ...
Culinary JeebusWOLFGANG PUCKis known for his illustrious cuisine, but did you also know that his Asian-fusion restaurant The Source practically won the Nobel Peace Prize? Not to be curt, but it's simply an Obamination that the Norwegian Nobel Committee overlookedRAEKWON THE CHEF, who serves up the hottest dishes in all of Shaolin ...
BEGUILING SMALL TALK: Chairman of the Four Horsemen of the ApocalypseADMIRAL MIKE MULLENwished theUNITED STATES NAVYa very happy 234th birthday using special sailor talk: "234 years as a force for good. Happy Bday Shipmates! Thx 2 all U.S. Navy Sailors, except 4 the faggots." ...REP. DAVID WU (D-OR)drives an enormous automobile that could easily fit the entire state of Oregon,JOHN BOEHNER'Sinflatable tanning salon,PAUL BUNYANand all his many pancakes and still have plenty of room for baby strollers and bottles of water and soccer gear or whatever ...
Hitler's prom dateNANCY PELOSIis encouraging Congressional offices to place unwantedINTERNSand other refuse in a compost, instead of the usual dumpster behind the Library of Congress. Nancy thinks Green.
Riley Waggaman's WAGG THE BOG appears constantly here at Wonkette. Send your hot gossip to the usual tips@wonkette.com