Name a country that will accept Trump's deportees

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If you don't like the cost of housing now, just wait until he deports all the labor.

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Trump Housing & Community Management Services!

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Liked, but not liked.

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Contractor: "Yes, that'll be $1 million to fix your deck thankyouverymuch!"

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So many ugly, tragic, and inhumane things would happen under Trump 2.0, and the clumsy deportation fantasy is just one of them. Trump would be under so much pressure to implement Project 2025, he’d spend most of his time figuring ways to monetize it and take bribes. After pardoning himself and all his cronies, of course, and disbanding The Department of Education, The FBI, The DOJ and The Dept of Health, replacing them all with RFK Jr.

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If Stevie “Putsch-face” Miller doesn’t like “chain migration” he should have a convo with his boss since that’s how Melons snuck her family in here after she totally legit earned her Einstein visa. totally. legit. earned.

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PABs dad was an anchor baby.

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I went to a symposium on gentrification today, and it occurred to me that this is a massive gentrification plan for certain values of gentrification.

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The reason the media doesn’t ask then Assmouth campaign for details is they don’t HAVE any…how many times can you report “When asked for details on his plan, Assmouth said they would release them next week.” At least when they ask the Harris campaign for details they get something to write about.

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“Even deporting one million people a year would require ICE to work at 24 times more capacity than it currently has, and take 1,000 more immigration courtrooms than currently exist.”

TBF, it will take a lot less courtrooms if you just load anyone brown onto a train and dump them in Mexico. Genius!

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That's what we did during the depression. Just loaded up anyone who looked and sounded Mexican and dumped them over the border, including US citizens. Few of the citizens could ever return because we wouldn't let them back in to get their birth certificates even when they were adults.

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Or just ship them to border cities, toss up a few tent courts ala "Remain in Mexico" and wait for people to just give up.

Not at all fun fact: the approval rate for asylum claims in those courts was <5%.

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Yeah, I would not have figured that Stephen Miller would have a plan that included courtrooms of any sort.

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Stephen Miller would just set up drone strikes.

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On a day to day basis, these people shop for clothes, buy cars, groceries, McDonalds, go to movies etc. Those establishments will be hurting and they'll lay off workers. Bakeries won't be supplying stores nor need truckers for deliveries. Farmers won't sell their wheat. John Deere , fewer combines. ..What do repubs tell their children why their friends aren't at school anymore? Which rely on government funds based on students. THE first chain reactions will be intense.

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In El Paso, school districts are closing schools due to a demographic drop in the number of children in the past ten years. An estimated 200 school workers, including administrators, teachers, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, and office workers will be laid off. Imagine what will happen if we lose half our kids because their parents are deported and take their children with them. Many small businesses will close, many remaining workers will lose their jobs, and the economy will lapse into a local recession or even a depression.

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What about the non-hispanic migrants? A lot of Irish,Polish, East Indian etc.

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European immigrants would pass the Peter Griffin Skin Color Testᵀᴹ so they'd be okay.

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In 1915 my Irish family just crossed into America from Ontario. Didn't become citizens until WWII.

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My grandmother, born and raised in Canada, just crossed over to Michigan and spent the rest of her life there. But these yahoos only seem concerned with the brown and now Haitian border crossers, not the visa overstayers.

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My first husband's grandparents and (then infant) father came to the US around that same time (maybe a few years later) from Scotland. My ex-father-in-law served in WWII. I came around into that family in the early '80s. In, I wanna say somewhere in the late '80s, I got a panicked phone call from my ex's grandmother, who had realized she never actually became a citizen. She had been a business owner, paid taxes, even voted—because the records from the '20s said she was a citizen. I think it was during some kind of computer upgrade for her Social Security that it came to light that no, in fact, she never had been a legal citizen. She freaked out and was terrified she was going to be deported (yes, at the age of almost 90 and having lived in the US [Minnesota] for over 70 years). My father-in-law contacted the correct authorities about the situation and they were both invited to that year's naturalization ceremony to receive their citizenship papers and certificate, which she had framed and proudly displayed in her apartment until she died at the age of 98.

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well, you don’t need 1,000 more courts if those arrested don’t get due process … maybe that’s a not-so-secret part of the policy?

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Aaannnddd immigration law is SO broadly delegated & deferential to the Executive branch that the law is basically whatever the Administation's vibes are, so there are plenty of places to eliminate Due Process & enrich actual deportation machine contractors.

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You're not alone.

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It costs about $45K a year to imprison a person in the USA. And that is when the infrastructure (buildings and staff) are already in place. This 'idea of a plan about a concept' would require the Federal Govt buying up about ten thousand properties suitable for mass detention and hiring about a million people to maintain them. There would also need to be the ability to feed and care for them as well - and that means not just adults, I'd estimate that at least half this population would be minors. And a large percentage would be over 65.

Next, these people will have US LEGAL CITIZENS as either relatives, marriage partners or close friends. They will be able to visit these places and see how they are being treated. If they don't like what they see - ie their children and aged and infirm - treated like criminals and living in shitty conditions, there will be a backlash.

Last point, along with all the people doing work in the US that Americans won't do, there are tens of thousands of people in the military who are not citizens. If they feel that the contract with the US they have, citizenship guaranteed by service, is not valid they are going to either just up and leave or start to use those skills to assist protests.

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No one was allowed to visit the Afghan immigrants nor the border-crosser migrants. We had multiple camps for both groups here.

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We are talking about people who need to have their claim to be able to live in the US assessed. They won't be border-crossers. Some may have arrived as children and only now have that status challenged.

They should be accorded some rights to visitations and inspections unless the US Govt loves it a massive civil lawsuit.

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I think you're being a bit optimistic about actual US legal citizens being able to visit their loved ones and friends who would be detained.

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Without immigration and with his tariffs cutting off foreign goods, Trump is looking at an autarky. Given history, with Fascist Spain somewhat able to do so, and North Korea the only one able to almost be one, the kind of governance needed might give you pause.

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It seems to me that Trump goes on and on about immigrants because he hates who he is, two foreign wives, son of an immigrant, grandson on father's side of two immigrants and on mother's side two foreigners who never stepped foot in the western hemisphere. His mother must have been barely able to make herself understood having been raised speaking Scots Gaelic. Reportedly Junior speaks Czech and Barron speaks Slovene. I wonder if a someone shouted "Tha sinn nar sgudal agus tha gaol a’ dèanamh Ameireagaidh sgoinneil a-rithist " he would acknowledge it. His native-bornism is a thin veneer.

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His own father was an anchor baby. So he's aware of the wily ways of the immigrant. You could say that his very genes are those of bad people.

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Ew, here's something horrible. GEO Group and CoreCivic aren't owned by a person. They're owned by the biggest investment firms in the country, by mutual funds which are owned by institutional investors. Which means they are polluting everyone's 401Ks and such. Sickening.

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Combine the attempts at detaining and deporting millions of immigrants now working at jobs no citizen will touch with Trump's insane lack of knowledge of economics and intense determination to set tariffs ranging from 10% to 100% and see how much grocery prices, now at about 1% per year, rises. Along with already exploding construction cost for housing, cost and access to health care, especially in red states as doctors start looking elsewhere to set up practices, and numerous shortages in other labor intensive but low paying jobs puts pressure on companies that already hate the minimum wage find they can't find workers even at $20 an hour. You might actually see a $15 hamberder at McDonald's, called the Donald Special. Charred, uninspected meat product with fake cheese and stringy bacon served after a 30 minute wait because only two people are running the restaurant and the grill is malfunctioning because they can't get US made replacement parts and the original manufacturer is in Korea and no longer makes parts because of the 50% tariffs.

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Anyone think Dumpster is going to visit Springfield like he promised a month ago, and weeks ago, and days ago in the days remaining? Still waiting for him to "report back" on this. (note: not waiting)

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