Weekend At Bushies

Oh how cute, the War Family makes little peace signs at the photographers. What other kind of douchebag behavior did our Royal Family partake in this weekend with Russian buddy Vlad the Putin?

First, Laura did the Vulcan Nerve Grip on Putin so he would behave and quit saying nasty things about this administration being worse than the Nazis.

It worked so well that within minutes, a docile Putin was making peace pledges to Old Man Bush's dog .

In return, the dog guaranteed the White House would not protest a third, fourth or fifth term for President Vladimir.

Dubya stomped away in rage after "that goddamned bike tried to git me."

Putin thoughfully brought over some flowers after learning Bush's mother was dead.


Everybody loves Bush.

"And Vlad, that remote-controlled second plane banked so beautifully into the second tower, I almost cried."

Ever wonder how Junior remembers what country he runs?

The winner of this round of Patty Cake gets Azerbaijan!

Say what you will about Lil' Barbara, but she does go fishing in a little black dress.

Protesters in Kennebunkport. Bush will be president forever.

And this is the sea mine that blew 'em all up, the end.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Visit [Yahoo News]