The GOP tent has room for the extremely wealthy, Christians and racists. The extremely wealthy have welcomed the Christians into the fold because the Christian leaders (as most religious leaders) are part of the wealthy and their followers, just like the racists, are low information people who generally hate facts that belie their beliefs. These low info people are easily manipulated. For Fox the issue is viewership and like Trump, and the proslavery tent of antebellum US, the codeword "States Rights" makes the GOP position sound almost acceptable as the latest three Supreme Court justices, "Roe v Wade is the law of the Land so vote for us" bullshit. The fact that states or a majority of federal legislators can take away the right for women to move freely will not be mentioned on Fox.

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The RW is simply amplifying the lies and disinformation put forward by the forced birthers to hang on to Trump's base and enforce their policies on their republican politicians. I also believe Lila Rose knows this is the only pony she has in the race, and she's going to ride Trump to the ballot box to vote for him, no matter what empty threats she puts out there. They WILL NOT STOP until they have banned Plan B, contraception, IVF and its variations, mifi/mipi, and abortions at the federal level, with the assist of the 6 SCOTUS FedSoc/HeritageF servants. Every time I hear a female in the media say she can't vote for Harris/Walz and she might stay home, I want to scream at her "Do you have a uterus? Do you have a vagina? Do you like having fewer rights than a corpse in this country? WTAF is WRONG with you?"

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"forced birthers" is such a demented term. The unborn child is a human, and killing it is wrong. Sorry that you feel threatened at the thought of women not being able to kill their offspring with impunity.

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My god, you are hateful. To sentence women to carry dead fetuses to satisfy yourself.

Biology is complex, and varies per individual. Politics and spiritual belief systems can NOT properly understand or handle that complexity. Women's and their unborn's lives rely on doctors being able to make quick decisions. When life in prison hangs over their head for the slightest mistake, it is understandable that they fall back to doing nothing--and the women and children die. Doctor's fear has led to less pre-natal being available, which means complications become more deadly, which has led to the rise in the maternal death rate.

This is what the ignorance of the forced birth movement has led to. Dead women.

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You are too entrenched to even read a simple statement, such as "killing [an unborn child] is wrong."

Instead, you are talking about a miscarriage, and some related situation where the mother has to keep the dead fetus inside of her??

Just stop killing the unborn.

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All attempts to force women to retain fetuses inside their bodies have led to medical problems. Doctors cannot always know whats happening. Ectopic pregnancies can't be identified until surgery. The govt and religion need to stop getting between doctors and their patients.

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Yeah... we are definitely "talking past each other."

Abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. Pregnancy is when there is a child growing/developing in the womb.

So when I say "stop killing the unborn children" (i.e. end/abolish abortion), you hear "force women who ARE NOT PREGNANT to do something very dangerous."

Your emphasis is on dead fetuses. That means NOT pregnant.

Lastly, the unborn child is a patient, or should be. Instead, they are victimized by the person most responsible for their care and wellbeing. THAT should be a crime.

I don't expect you to be able to reason, or to even see where the disagreement lies. As such, this thread is muted. Good day.

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To be fair, the Press at large does not push back against ANY republican talking point (except the Dominion one, cause lawsuit) and indeed, usually adopt their version of events and even their actual talking point without blinking while at the same time demanding Democrats account for it.

They're not just not an ally, they are actively working for the Republicans. Can't imagine why else they would do this.

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The Post birth abortion nonsense is a result of the right's recognition that the majority of Americans support choice. So they're trying to make the left's position seem murderous

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well, it IS murderous. What is wrong with killing kids in the NICU?

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Definitely a weak rebuttal but at least I guess a feather of pushback.

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In the before Roe times my mother HAD to carry a doomed pregnancy to term. He would have been my older brother by a 1.5yrs. He was born with 1 lung and no brain. Needless to say he didn't survive birth. There's a reason women need abortion at any time in a pregnancy 🙄 it's not because they want to abort at 8.5mths for fun. It's because something terrible has happened in the pregnancy.

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Ta, Robyn. Lies on top of lies. Force the legislators who have passed abortion bans to spend a week in a neonatal ICU.

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Spent months in a NICU with the Darling Child (she was a preemie). Can confirm. I saw things. Terrible, awful things. These fetus people would benefit tremendously if they spent some time in a NICU.

Or maybe not. Their minds are closed tightly shut, after all.

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What would someone see that would convince them to kill some/more babies?

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The leading cause of post-birth abortions is the 2nd Amendment.

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I'd nominate greed. Unnecessary poverty kills far more people than gun violence could even dream of.

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I don’t think FOX News, GOP - that woman senator who some how delivered the State of the Union rebuttal get Actual Women Folk

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I go to a party somewhere and we women folk end up realizing we all have Dr. Blood as our ObGYN and then we are all just laughing - sharing notes -

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So I will go reflect on an early amazing encounter with one of my first Ob-gyms who had worked with Margaret Sanger and his name was - Dr. Blood - but He was such an earnest serious doctor who really wanted to make sure - I was 18 at that point - you understood all kinds of sexual anything - and especially about contraception

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One of the reasons that Planned Parenthood is one of my go-to charities is that during frosh orientation week at college, they came around to all the first-year dorms and did a presentation about various birth control methods and their proper uses and efficiencies in a peer-to-peer manner and told us that all of these were available at the campus medical center at no cost. I had no idea that I'd be needing that information in just a few months. Bless them.

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It is an incredibly painful subject for some of us / emotionally fraught - not so easily dismissed - and usually my Go To Defense When I Lash Out At All Men Everywhere and Beyond -

TY that was cathartic

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The phrase "post birth abortion" is senseless. Whoever came up with that is the same guy who advertises "walk in showers." Are there "slither in showers?"

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I'm weighing my options for a roll in shower (still quite ambulatory).

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I think I've slithered into the shower a few times, but my memory is hazy about those occasions...

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If the eyes are the windows to the soul, the only thing see when I look at Corey's are porn outtakes and not the good ones

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I only discovered your substack less than a week ago, and I am glad I did. What I have read so far is entertaining and informative!

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Hi Sean, I read your didgeridoo story and I also touched every other single atom and molecule in the Universe, and I was vibrating at the exact same frequency as the entire Universe, too just like you.

And now all of this reminds me of my friend Chris, Simpsons Artist.

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I much prefer this version of FOX. It makes a lot more sense.


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