WH Pool Report: Bush's History Lesson
In this White House pool report, the President does the time warp again:
Not noted in your transcript: He almost said "On Sept. 11th . . . '' before catching himself and saying, "On December the 7th 1941 . . . ''
You know how it is: You get a jingoism stuck in your head...
Full report after the jump.
From: White House Press Releases
Date: Dec 7, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: POOL REPORT #1, 12/7/05
Pool Report #1
Dec. 7, 2005
President Bush gave a speech on Iraq before the Council on Foreign Relations. The event at the Omni Shoreham Hotel was open press and you have a transcript. The motorcade left the White House at 10: 30 a.m. with Karl Rove in the president's car. By 10:45 Bush had been introduced by the council's president, Richard N. Haass. Bush began the formal part of the speech by saying, ``Today we mark the anniversary of a fateful day in American history.'' Not noted in your transcript: He almost said ``On Sept. 11th . . . '' before catching himself and saying, ``On December the 7th 1941 . . . '' There was polite applause once when Bush said, ``And now the terrorists think they can make America run in Iraq, and that is not going to happen so long as I'm the Commander-in-Chief.'' He shook a few hands after the speech with audience members seated along the stage. One woman leaned over to say something to Bush – which could not be heard by your pool – and he replied, ``Proud to be here.'' The speech was over by 11:20 and the president was walking back into the Oval Office by 11:30.
Delia M. Rios
Newhouse News Service